Here is a short video on the Smoot-Hawley tariffs of the 1930’s. You will recall this was around the time of the Great Depression.
Recently I have been researching what investments held up during the Great Depression. It might be handy information for the near future. That and a garden.
Trump has lifted the tariffs against both Canada and Mexico in return for their promises that they'll dance around his fire during this month's full moon. (Or, at least promise to dance; actually doin' the dancing may be forgotten 'bout by the time the full moon comes 'round.)
Turns out it was all a farce so Trump could tell his Trumpkins that he "won" something.
No tellin' yet what China's gonna do. They may not give him his hosannas, and there may yet be tariffs there.
Apparently Trump ordered 2 federal reservoirs in California to open the spigot and let 2.2 billion gallons of water, which was being held in reserve for farming during the dry season, to be released. He has now said the water is flowing to the fires around LA.
Incompetence in motion. According to people who actually know something the water will just be wasted.
China had retaliated against Trump's tariffs.
*sigh* has retaliated
Okay, that was me, Lynnette. It seems my device lost my name.
I had begun to think that I was now inured against shocks from the excesses of Trump, but his newest plan to 'develop' Gaza as an oversized Mar-a-Lago on the Mediterranean has me wondering if the Great Orange Leader has lost his friggin' mind.
(Not meaning that as an figure of speech--I'm starting to wonder if the Great Orange has truly lost his grip on reality.)
He has also given everyone at the CIA their walking papers.
Yes, I had the same reaction as you. The last time a king lost his marbles he lost America. It's gotten to the point where I really think he wants to destroy this country.
Oh, yeah, no parcels from China and Hong Kong. All suspended by The Dear Leader.
Those who are still booing us at sporting events are spot on. 77 million people are responsible. The buck crumbles with them.
"The last time a king lost his marbles he lost America."
This time the fall-back is JD Vance. Now there's a truly spooky proposition for ya.
Oops, it looks like they walked back the ban on delivering parcels from China and Hong Kong. Maybe Ivanka complained.
Even spookier is Mike Johnson.
Under orders from the Netanyahu government, the Israeli military are beginning to round up the population of Gaza, for deportation to parts unknown.
I saw that. I wonder what those who wouldn't vote for Harris because of Biden's policy are feeling now?
The DOJ is shuttering the FBI team that combats foreign election interference. This after decimating the CIA. He's really angling for that lifetime term of president. He is leaving our doors open to manipulate the American sheople with his lies and misinformation. And for others to help.
"I wonder what those who wouldn't vote for Harris because of Biden's
policy are feeling now?"
From what I've read, it seems like the pro-Hamas Muslim vote in the upper mid-west is as defiant as ever, insisting that they'd punish the Democrats all over again, if only they had a chance to do it again.
(I'm not against immigration, but I am generally opposed to 'refugee' immigration as has been practiced in this country over the post WWII period. We should pick and choose who we want to join us as Americans on an individualized basis. Otherwise ya tend to get groups of immigrants who're voting the interests of Hamas or other foreign powers.)
"He's really angling for that lifetime term of president."
Yep, he's going for it when the time comes. Setting up for it already.
Why bother with martial law when you can just ignore the law?
Andrew Jackson got away with it. It was guaranteed that Trump would try (and maybe will succeed).
Trump has gone on FoxNews to demand a half trillion dollars in Ukrainian rare earth elements as his price for continued military and political support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.
(Supposedly Zelenskyy has agreed to this, although the exact details of the supposed pledge of assets is, as yet, rather vague.)
Mike Johnson has been struggling to formulate an "outline" for government spending that would serve as the basis for a "reconciliation" budget resolution (and thus avoid the Democrats' filibuster in the Senate). So far he has conceived of a "single big beautiful bill" that has Trump's endorsement under that description, even as Trump has sniped at the contents of Johnson's proposed budget.
Meantime the Senate Republicans are working hard at separating their budget resolution into two bills that would both have to pass, thus undercutting Johnson's budget.
And now, the House "Freedom Caucus" (so named for reasons none can explain) has kicked another prop out from under Johnson with the release of their third version of a budget resolution for the Republicans in Congress to consider. Politico This third version does not pretend to be Trump-friendly.
The Trumpkan/Republicans have until the 14th of March to sort this all out and pass something. That deadline's gonna be on 'em before they know it.
It sounds like Johnson's budget basically decimates Medicaid in order to fund Trump's permanent tax cuts for the wealthy and his border security.
If a society cannot take care of the neediest members then they can no way be called "great". So this puts the lie to all of Trump's "Make America Great Again" bs.
Trump is talking about a meeting with Putin to "end" the war in Ukraine. I am wondering how much territory he will demand the Ukrainians give up for this "peace"?
Ya never know what Trump's gonna do until he does it. But in the case of Ukraine, it's looking like he's gonna sell 'em out for little more than a pat on the head and an 'attaboy' from Putin.
I had held out a long shot hope that Putin would be stupid enough to demand that Trump openly worship him in public (which Trump might have refused to do), but that's lookin' to be unlikely to happen (and then again, Trump may do it anyway).
And then again, Trump may well agree to concessions of additional territory or sovereignty that neither Ukraine nor NATO are willing to go along with. Could be Trump will agree to a peace deal that none of the combatants will honor. (I can envision Ukraine dropping back into a guerrilla style war of resistance against Russian occupation.)
(A bigger deal might be Trump's coöperating with Putin to lift (or evade) the existing economic sanctions against Russia.)
I wonder how far the sycophant Republicans are willing to go in selling out their country?
Mitch McConnell was the only Republican to vote against Tulsi Gabbard. I wonder if he has any regrets in helping create the Frankenstein's monster we have in the oval office?
"I wonder how far the sycophant Republicans are willing to go in selling
out their country?"
Still? You still wonder?
I think it's clear now; they're all in; they'll go the whole way.
"I wonder if he has any regrets…"
He publicly endorsed and then voted for Trump for President in the 2024 election. And he has notably not recanted either choice.
You can probably find your answer in that.
I suppose there was some last residual hope that someone in the so called Republican Party would wake up. *sigh*
Yes, that was very foolish of me.
It occurs to me that Putin may be expecting Trump to deliver NATO and 'the Collective West' in support of Putin's acquisition of Ukraine. And Trump may prove unable to deliver.
Trump may be too busy looting Ukraine's precious minerals.
And right now Vance, the puppet in waiting, is even now trying to further the far right's agenda at a Munich press conference.
Vance, driving home the idea that they can't rely on America anymore, is making it ever more difficult for Trump to deliver Europe in support of an "America First" deal with Putin.
First appeal will hit the Supreme Court this week. Trump filed an emergency appeal to let him fire the head of the Office of Special Counsel, Hampton Dellinger.
His effort to consolidate power in the Executive branch continues.
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