Sunday 23 April 2023

A Reckoning Will Come

 I thought it important to shine a light on the words of Vladimir Kara-Murza, who was just sentenced to 25 years in prison for treason by a Russian “court”. His crime? He had the audacity to speak out against Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine.

My Last Statement to the Russian Court

Why should we care? Because this should be a lesson to all who love democracy about what can happen if it disappears. As we watch in our country the attempts by Republican legislators to silence any dissent to their policies we must begin to realize that, yes, it can happen here too. If we do not stand up for the rights of women, of voters, of people who are not exactly like us, of even our elected officials, we run the risk of sinking to the level of a place like Putin’s Russia. Think carefully about book banning, depriving elected officials of office on trumped up issues, forcing women to bear children against their will, or taking on Mickey Mouse because he had the nerve to oppose a Governor and speak out.

Yes, that’s right, I stand with the Mouse and all those who oppose oppression. Ronnie, Vladimir Putin, and others like them, can take a long walk on a short pier.

Sunday 9 April 2023

This Easter...

It’s Easter and, despite the white snowy cover in my yard, there is hope for Spring.

It is a time of renewal. So pick up a phone and call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Ignore the haters who are intent on banning people they don’t understand.

Stand up for those who are ejected from their rightful places, in effect overriding the will of the people for their own selfish reasons.

Remember what America was meant to be.

Happy Easter!