Tuesday 11 June 2019


Just a few days ago we marked the anniversary of D-Day. We fought for something then, something that was bigger than any of us, the right of everyone to live free of persecution because of who they were.

Then recently there was a mass protest in Hong Kong against what people there perceive as China's erosion of their political freedoms. They too were trying to fight for something bigger than themselves.

Striving, struggling, and fighting to make this world a better place was who we were. We didn't become a great country just because our economy was large, it was because we cared enough to fight for those less fortunate, even if it meant we fought ourselves. We would have been on the side of those protesters in Hong Kong, just like we would have helped the people who made their way to our shores.

The young woman in this video clip said she would have been a different person if she had stayed in Syria, she would have been a different person if she had been born here. It was because of the hurdles she overcame to get here and the struggle to adjust to life in America that she became the strong,  confident young woman who now has dreams she never envisioned before.  We should be proud to call her one of us.

Donald Trump and his followers are not who we are. They are an aberration that must and will pass. I believe, as one of my favorite singers says, in us.