Sunday 12 April 2020

History Lessons

It is Easter Sunday today. Normally we would all be going to places of worship, getting together with family or friends for a nice meal and just hanging out. But this year is a little different. For much of the world is keeping their distance, going out only when necessary. This is the year of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Was this not foreseen? Of course it was. It was foreseen by those who took the time to look.

History has seen this:

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. There were preparations that could have been made, and indeed were. Unfortunately, in the case of the United States a lot of that was dismantled by Donald Trump.

Yes, we will get through this, but I fear that the new normal will not look like the old.

How we choose to respond will make a difference in each of our countries.

On this Easter I wish you all a safe holiday!