Sunday 18 June 2023


Last week in Minnesota we were on the receiving end of the wildfire smoke from Canada. You may have heard about the noxious blanket of the stuff that had taken up residence in New York and other areas of the east coast of the US. Well, it wasn’t just those states that were affected. Nor was this the first year that we were on the receiving end. But it appears to be getting worse.   

Some have compared the poor air quality to that of other notorious cities, such as those you might find in China or India. We seemed to have topped them. It has also forced some people to reach for, yes, those masks that were so prevalent during Covid. Although I am not sure that those would actually help, but they made one feel a little better.

Here where I live we are seeing drought conditions increase again. This after what was a very snowy winter and rainy spring. But it was like someone turned off a faucet. We haven’t had any significant rain for weeks now and it is a struggle to keep things green, and alive.

That there are those who still don’t believe in climate change boggles the mind. We were supposedly going to have rain today, but so far that has been a no show. The saying that it is too dry to rain is quite accurate.

Maybe we could use a little help?


Maybe that rain dance worked.  We did end up getting a half an inch of rain.  Not enough to turn things around, but I will take anything at this point.