Sunday 22 July 2018

Bug Bounties and Brave New World

Are we our own worst enemy? Have we created a world of 24/7 connectivity which allows others to track our every move? Or, worse, given our adversaries a weapon to use against us?

With the Russian interference in our 2016 election, and our president's insistence in refusing to believe it even happened, are we seeing a threat that reaches inside our borders, which no wall can stop?

This first video is a short interview with author David Sanger, who wrote The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage, and Fear in the Cyber Age.  You'll have to follow the link to YouTube on the screen.  

This second video is a full length documentary on a vulnerability we all face as we navigate the wilds of the internet world.

Perhaps staying off the grid just a little isn't such a bad thing.

Sunday 15 July 2018


It strikes me after watching Trump's performance in Europe and everyone's reaction to it that we have forgotten who we are. Whether or not Trump has been deliberately trying to destabilize the United States, Europe, or our alliances, in some kind of payback to Putin for past monetary favors is really irrelevant to what we need to focus on. That question is for others to investigate. No, what we as Americans or citizens of what is called the West need to remember is something larger.

Why was America created, why did we in the West fight against Nazi Germany? Simply put it was to create a world where people do have a say in their own governance. It was to create a world where we the people could get to decide how our lives are lived. We did not want to leave it up to a single person, like a dictator or a king/queen, to control how we lived. Sure, we the people have made mistakes, it comes with being human. Yes, even that greed that rears its head in the search for easy money. But because we have made mistakes does not mean we need a single “strong man” to tell us how to live.

President Trump has continually attacked the press as giving us “fake news”. We need to remember that the press, even with all its faults, does serve a purpose. It is our eyes and ears to events and actions taken by others on our behalf. It is our watchdog, and that is the real reason it is being attacked by President Trump. There is a scene from the movie “The Post” which says it best.

President Trump has attacked our allies and our alliances, for whatever reason, but we need to remember that they were put in place for a reason. They are not our enemies. They may not have always agreed with everything we did, but they have stood our friends when needed the most. And before we throw them over for someone like Putin it would be in our interest to also remember who Putin really is.  His idea of governance is exactly what we have fought against.  

We the people have some strong tools put in place to make sure that government by the people, for the people continues to exist. But it is really up to us to exercise them.

As long as we believe in ourselves, we can overcome those who would tear us apart.