Sunday 16 October 2022

Russia's Reality

We all go about our lives living in our own reality. We see things and understand things through lenses fogged by information sources that may be less than accurate. What is truth, what is a lie? What is propaganda? With Russia's war on Ukraine we seem to be seeing the results of years of propaganda at work.

This fellow is a Russian, currently outside of his country, who has a YouTube channel covering varying topics on his country. This one is about how Russian's see us. Or at least his take on that. I found it interesting. The first 28 minutes is his “message” and the rest is Q & A.

Propaganda is a very dangerous thing. If not checked it can have disastrous results. We are seeing that in Ukraine.

Possibly a different reality than seen in Russia. This fellow is a Ukrainian YouTuber.

But what happens if someone starts believing his own propaganda? Perhaps a dose of reality for Mr. Putin?