Sunday 31 October 2021

Halloween 2021

We are all struggling to get back to a little more normal existence. Here on Halloween 2021 our doors are again opened to the little, or not so little, ghosts, goblins and witches, or perhaps Squid Game guards, who knock on our doors. In a break from politics, pandemics and riotous school board meetings I am going to do a Halloween music post. So on this Halloween sit back and relax with a little ghostly, creepy music.

How could I not start with this?


An oldie, but still creepy.

The Addams Family Theme Song

Have to include some classic rock.

Witchy Woman

Doesn't have to be a monster on land.

Jaws Theme Song

And last, but not least...

Ghost Riders

Sunday 10 October 2021

Fake News

I know you've heard the term. It has been bandied about by Trump and his followers for some time now. Fake news.  But have you ever actually looked at it? We just recently dodged a bullet, created by Mitch McConnell & Co., with regard to the debt ceiling. After initiating the crisis by not rubber stamping the raising of the debt ceiling, as has been done multiple times in the past by both Democrats and Republicans, McConnell voted to kick the can down the road to December. This was his solution to his manufactured crisis.

Basically Mitch McConnell and the Republicans were using the debt ceiling as a political tool to use against the Democrats because they are in the process of negotiating a couple of rather large infrastructure bills. Raising the debt ceiling allows our government to pay its bills. Bills that have accrued under both Democratic and Republican administrations. It will also allow our government to pay the benefits that so many Social Security recipients and our military rely on. It has absolutely nothing to do with bills that may or may not even become law. Yet Republicans and their supporters, such as the TV personality I have a video of, are determined to risk tanking the American, and indeed the world, economy with their bullying tactics.

So here is a video of Sean Hannity excoriating Mitch McConnell for “caving” and voting to temporarily raise the debt ceiling. He professes to be a conservative. Sorry, I don't see it. Conservatives pay their bills. No, all I see is someone who is twisting news for propaganda purposes.

Fake News

Hannity has one thing right, Joe Biden has been in office 9 months. Hardly long enough to create the inflation Hannity talks about. No, the problems we are facing were made before Biden came to office. I would take everything Hannity says with a large grain of salt. Fake news, indeed.