Friday 28 August 2020

A Better Idea

So, we have had two political conventions within the space of two weeks. We have had another shooting by police of a Black man. We have had protests in response and a shooting by an armed vigilante.

The two political conventions presented two distinct visions of what our country is experiencing at this time. In a few months it will be up to the American people to decide which one best presents our reality and how we will proceed in the future.

Until you actually see the problem you won't be able to solve it. Too many people have been looking the other way. We need to look more closely, and start to actually see each other.

One Man's Journey

Saturday 15 August 2020

Movie Night

 It's been some time since I've posted a favorite movie, so since it's Saturday night I thought I might make a suggestion. My favorite movies are usually those which are based on real events and real people. This one is special because it depicts the life of someone who really does embody that America that so many people seem to be missing the point of. That America that was supposed to stand for freedom for all people.

Without further ado:


And like so many wonderful movies this one comes with an equally wonderful theme song. Listen closely, for it has meaning for all of us.

Stand Up

I just realized that for some reason the videos are not showing up on mobile devices.  Blogger in their infinite wisdom changed their interface and so now that does not work.  The videos included in this post are from the movie "Harriet".  The first is the trailer and the second is the theme song "Stand Up".

So I am obviously not too impressed with the capabilities of the people at Blogger.

Saturday 8 August 2020

Our Future

 During this pandemic we have argued over masks, reopening businesses and schools, financial assistance for those who are unemployed and what we should in general be doing to slow the spread of Covid-19. We have shown we can't agree.

But I would hope that there is one thing we could agree on. That is the importance of our children. They are our future. There was something I read in my paper today that caused me to reflect on this. That something was the fact that the United States, under the guidance of Donald Trump, has been sending immigrant children back, alone, to countries they have fled because of the danger that exists there for them.

Children Expelled

I know there are those out there who would argue that these children are here illegally and should be sent back to their home countries. I would argue differently, and not just because this practice actually runs counter to our laws. There is a strength in compassion that Donald Trump does not understand. Those children he is deporting are someone's loved ones.  But he has exhibited this lack of understanding when it comes to the children here in the United States as well.

His push to open schools without a nuanced plan in place to try to make it as safe as possible for both students and teachers and his willful ignorance of the risk of this virus only shows his lack of empathy and compassion for all of those involved.

Someone once said that children and animals are able to sense who the good people are. I suspect that person was right.

I really do miss the way we were.