Sunday 15 September 2024

An Unserious Man in a Serious World

There appears to have been another assassination attempt on Donald Trump. The gunman wasn’t able to actually take a shot because the Secret Service detail were very proactive in responding when the gun was seen, shooting at him and forcing him to flee. I know there will be people combing through this man’s life with a fine tooth comb. As of this writing he is in custody and has not spoken to police about motive. The man, 58 year old Ryan Wesley Routh, has been critical of Donald Trump on his social media account. He is a supporter of Ukraine who says he had traveled to that country in an effort to support Ukraine’s battle for its sovereignty.

The job of President of the United States is a serious one. There is little room for those who go through life with a simplistic worldview. In watching Donald Trump during his first term and his behavior during his election bids I can’t help but feel that Kamala Harris called it right when she called him an “unserious” man. He has used divisive rhetoric in order to fire up his right wing base, but has not thought through the possible negative ramifications of his words. Pushing the idea that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH are eating the pets of residents, leading to multiple bomb threats does not help the residents of that town, and makes him a laughingstock.

But there is a serious and dangerous underlying hate fueling this story that Trump is using as a prod for his base.

Immigration reform is a serious issue, a bi-partisan bill had been agreed upon, before Donald Trump tanked it so that he could use that issue as a political tool in his campaign.

The war in Ukraine is a serious issue, to those who are living it, to those whose future may be affected by it. Trump has made it clear that he does not support Ukraine. Was Routh influenced by this?

We have serious issues in this country, in this world, that need a serious response, by a serious person. Gun violence, immigration, a war in Ukraine, a war in Gaza are not reality TV. Hateful, ill informed, simplistic rhetoric will not help.  It can also be dangerous.


  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

While we're on the subject of unserious people in this particular story.  Ryan Routh seems to be a particularly inept assassin, unprepared for contingencies, but quick with the GoPro camera.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I was thinking the same thing. Some in the media suggested he knew what he was doing, but it looked amateurish to me.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

If Trump is worried about assassination attempts it is really the state actors, like Iran, whom he should be concerned about, not the lone wolf type.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It sounds like someone exploded thousands of pagers in Lebanon, causing deaths and injuries. Apparently it was meant for Hezbollah operatives.

I didn't know anyone used pagers anymore or that an external party could use them as a weapon. Makes you wonder what else could be used?

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

I was vaguely aware of the move by Hezzbolla (and Hamas) towards lower tech communications.  I was not aware the Israel could cause the batteries on pagers to overload.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

They are saying that the Israelis intercepted the pagers in the supply chain and planted explosive devices in the pagers, creating mini-IEDs.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Walkie-talkies. My earlier question was just answered.

I think I would be concerned about any device I carried.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

Reporters were telling that Hezzbola was furious over the pager attacks.  They could not come to grips with having been so clearly outsmarted and embarrassed.
They will not rest any easier on the idea that, having been once outsmarted they then walked into the same trick a second time.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It sounds like Trump and or Vance are going to be visiting Springfield, OH. Something officials there want as much as a sore thumb.

I guess stupid really is as stupid does.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I wonder if Hezzbolah will ever wise up and start checking any communication devices?

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

      "It sounds like Trump and or Vance are going to be visiting
      Springfield, OH."

If I were guessing, I'd guess it'll be Vance.  He's all but admitted (in bits and pieces in different interviews) that he's trying to 'create' a story 'bout the horrors of the Haitian invasion of Springfield, successfully make up the story out of whole cloth and successfully launch it out into the real world.  (That's audacious even for Trump.)

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

The person who originally posted the pet eating story on Facebook has backed off of it. Trump & Vance seem to be playing a misbegotten game of telephone that won't die.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

So Isreal is now launching strikes in Southern Lebanon to "degrade Hezbollah's terrorist capabilities and infrastructure."

Israel apparently hasn't learned much either.

Mistake #2.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

      "Trump & Vance seem to be playing a misbegotten game of
      telephone that won't die."

Obviously you misunderstood me.  It's important to them that the story not be true.  Vance wants to "create" a story, then sell it mainstream.  He's apparently convinced Trump that now's the time to test run this dark power.  (It's not important that one of them came up with the story in the first place, but it is important that it not be true.  Otherwise the 'test' is worthless.)

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

According to NBC Nightly News it's Trump who's going to Springfield, OH.  Vance must have made a strong sale there.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Now wouldn't it be something if it is the pet eating story that is the final straw that breaks the camel's back? So to speak that is. Maybe this will wake up enough normal people, that is non cultists, to tip the election against the wingnuts and crazies that are the current "Republican" Party?

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

      "Israel apparently hasn't learned much either."

Israel's problem is that their Prime Minister, Netanyahu has a dual agenda here.  He's happy to degrade his Arab enemies.  But he's also trying very hard to stay out of jail.
As long as he's head of the government, he can't be prosecuted for several pending cases of fraud and abuse of power which look like like slam-dunk cases to get him long prison stretches.  But, his Likud Party doesn't have an independent majority, so to stay as head of the government he has to placate some very hard right-wing political parties who make up the remainder of his governing majority, including some religious fanatics.
They want him to lead the last great war that will destroy Hezzbolla, Hama, and even Iran itself.  (By the grace of the Jewish God who will not let Israel be dispersed yet once again.)  Netantyahu quits prosecuting the war, they withdraw their political support and let him to go to court and then to prison.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

      "Maybe this will wake up enough normal people, that is non

How many times have pundits predicted, then hoped, then prayed, that this would be the time the 'non cultists' wake up and come back to reality?  And yet it has not been so.  They're gone over the edge on purpose, they are there intentionally.  (That's the theory Vance has convinced Trump is now ripe for testing.  Kristallnacht can come again.  The South shall rise again.)  They think they can control the crazies after they finally put the Republic to its grave.  (The German right-wingers of the early 1930s thought that too.)  And, if not, at least they're inside the power structure again, even if they're the poor white trash to the plantation owners.  They finally beat the niggers back into their place.

Nope there's only one way to beat them this time.  And martyring Trump ain't it.

I want that bastard taken alive.