Saturday 26 January 2019

" I don't want your hope..."

I mentioned her in passing before in the comments section, the girl from Sweden. I think it is about time I gave her another venue, even one as small as mine, to express her thoughts. Because her thoughts should be ours.

I also mentioned before the idea that we are in a period of mass extinction, as did Greta in her talk. This second video examines a world of declining insect populations. You may have heard of the concern about bee populations declining. They aren't the only ones. And, yes, it does matter. That is, if you are fond of food.

Take a moment and listen...


      Lee C.   ―  U.S.A.      said...

The girl is quietly intense--brook no bullshit type of intense.  Probably has to do with her having Asperger's Syndrome.
It is effective.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I thought so, too. I also thought she had a beautiful speaking voice, making her very easy to listen to.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Prediction for a Sunday morning:

Three weeks goes by and Trump doesn't get congressional money for The Great Wall of Trump.

Trump declares a national emergency and issues an emergency order to begin diverting money from authorized projects to The Great Wall of Trump.

Trump thinks this will placate his dedicated Trumpkins, who, by that time, will have started turning on him.  But, now he's given the dedicated Trumpkins an emergency order and, worse case, it gets temporarily enjoined by the federal courts while he tries to rush the question to the Supreme Trumpkins.
Much to Trump's surprise, this does not placate his dedicated Trumpkins.
That's because it was never about building a wall.  The wall won't work.  The dedicated Trumpkins also know that (most of them anyway).
This was always about the symbolism of The Wall.  This was about erecting a permanent symbol of their triumph over the American majority.  It was about proving that, even though they were the minority, they were still in charge.  If they have to resort to a bogus ‛emergency’ then they lack the proof they crave.
It's not gonna be enough.  And Trump's gonna be surprised, 'cause he's allowed himself to convince himself that he's still got a way out of this one.  Ain't happenin’.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

This was about erecting a permanent symbol of their triumph over the American majority. It was about proving that, even though they were the minority, they were still in charge. If they have to resort to a bogus ‛emergency’ then they lack the proof they crave.

If that is the case they are doomed to disappointment. Demographics are against them.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

What do you think about Schultz running for President? Do you think he will realize before it's too late that he could very well re-elect Trump if he does run?

I would like to think that a third party candidate is viable. But we have went that route with Jesse Ventura. What we found after we elected him was that he couldn't work with either side. I suspect that would be the case with a Independent Party President.

But I think he will just split the Democratic Party, giving Trump the win.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Demographics are against them."

Yeah, and they know that.  That's why it was/is so important that Trump prove for them that ‛even though they were the minority, they were still in charge’That is the big deal for them.  And he botched it.

      "Do you think he will realize…that he could very well
      re-elect Trump…?

I can only hope so.  My biggest worry was that Trump would run as an independent, instead of as a Republican, and could win a second time with 34%-38% of the popular vote. When Trump captured the Republican Party mechanisms I thought that worry had been put to rest.
Now we dumbasses wanting to run as an Independent and split the vote three ways again.
I sincerely hope that bastard comes to his senses before the election seasong gets going in earnest.
Run as a Democrat, or run as a Republican, or don't run at all.  Trump could win a three way race with 34%-38% of the vote in a three way race.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I'm tempted to fix some typos, but not temped enough--I'll let 'em ride.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Of course, if nobody wins a majority in the Electoral College, then the vote goes to the House of Representatives, where each state gets one vote (50 votes total--which means that the procedural advantage of the rural states is as strong as ever); majority vote wins.  Wyoming with half a million people gets an equal say as California with 40 million people--Trump wins that one too.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Or, looking at it another way…

Wyoming, with a half million people, gets an equal say as does Minnesota with five and a half million people.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

A little chilly here today, and tomorrow, too.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Witch's tit as it's said locally.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Now we dumbasses wanting to run as an Independent and split the vote three ways again.
I sincerely hope that bastard comes to his senses before the election seasong gets going in earnest.

That would mean putting aside his ego and seeing beyond the end of his nose. That he hasn't considered this possibility, like Michael Bloomberg did, shows that this may not be possible for him to do.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Is there a crack in the Trump/McConnell alliance?

And does this give rise to the hope that if Mueller does actually have some serous evidence against Trump with regard to Russia McConnell may start to have second thoughts about his bromance with Trump? Would McConnell actually do the right thing and put country first?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Yeah, an Independent major-mega-dollar ego could screw things up.

I was originally worried that Trump would run as an Independent; then I had to consider the risk that Bloomberg might run as an Independent. Now it seems that the risk is gonna be be a multitude of egos with too much money and not named Bloomberg

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "…a crack in the alliance…?>

McConnell is known for the open explanation that "McConnell does not waste effort on policy; McConnell does politics" and he does the latter very well.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It seems that a lot of people aren't working today. They've closed schools, mail delivery isn't happening and various businesses are also closed. I went in this morning and worked until noon. My boss decided to let people go early. The concern was for cars sitting out all day in extreme negative temps and windchills. While my car started it was very sluggish for a good 15 - 20 minutes.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It was -30F on my thermometer this morning.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I'd been hearing it was witches' tit cold in Minnesota.
I was working outside this morning and gave it up finally at around noon--I just couldn't catch a full breath in the cold air (price I now pay for having been a cigarette smoker in my youth I think)

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I notice that Trump has been crowing about a report first made on CNN that the ‛blocked’ calls from Trump ᴊʀ. shortly before and after that notorious meeting the Russians in Trump Tower back in June of '16 were not placed to Trump Sr.  They were placed to financial supports of the Trump campaign.
The stories are a little vague about the sources for said information, and we know this administration lies a lot.  So, I'm taking that information as probably accurate (the news organizations think they're on solid enough ground to go ahead and print it), but the stories not definitive for me yet.  I'm takin' it with a grain of salt.  Trump and Company lie a lot.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I've heard that too. I don't know the source of the story, but I doubt it is Mueller's team, since they are pretty closed mouth. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

Meanwhile, Trump is floating the idea again of calling a national emergency for his Great Wall of Trump because it seems to be sinking in that he can't bully Pelosi and the House Democrats. It may be a way out for him, I suppose. He can show that he's standing firm on the wall, even as it gets stuck in court.

The Democratic field has increased by Cory Booker. I like him, but like Elizabeth Warren, he may not be electable.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "He can show that he's standing firm on the wall, even as
      it gets stuck in court.

Handing the problem off to a court fight will get him out of trouble with some of them, but a sizable percentage of them will not forgive for failing to impose their collective will for symbolism on a recalcitrant American majority who just don't want it.
Proving they were still in charge even as a shrinking minority was important to them.  Some of them will not forgive him for failure there.  And he doesn't have enough support that he can afford to lose even a little.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I' curious as to your take on the outrage surrounding Virginia governor, Ralph Northram (Democrat), and those pictures in his med-school yearbook?

As for my own take on the matter….  I certainly understand the outrage expressed by his constituents over those pictures, especially the black constituents.  I understand the expressions of outrage from his fellow Democratic politicians (especially potential presidential candidates who need to get right with the black vote for the upcoming campaigns).  But, give that the guy has a very credible record of public service without any particular hints of racism in his practices or polices, I'm thinking they're kinda going over the top a little with the calls for his resignation over a 30 year old offense.
Now, I'm not a Virginian, so it's not my place to be making close calls on their behalf, but I don't see that offense as warranting the calls for his resignation--not considering that he has a 30 year public history that's clean of any other evidence of racism on his part.

But, that's just my opinion, and I was wondering about yours.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It's an interesting question, the same one that arose with the Al Franken incident that led him to resign. Are we the same people we were 20, 30 years ago? Were we even the people that pictures seem to imply? And even if we were, is there no room for change? For atonement for past wrongs? I emphasize the word "past". Obviously if someone is running around in a sheet with a pointy hat at this stage of the game then there needs to be consequences.

But what power is there in someone who was actually a racist, a white supremacist, or any other color of supremacist out there, realizing that their beliefs are wrong?

Coincidentally I just picked up a book this week, Rising Out of Hatred - The Awakening of a Former White Supremacist. It looked like a book that had something important to say.

As to what do I think with regard to this photo? Well, he was stupid, that's for sure. But did it mean he was a racist? If he hasn't exhibited any actions pointing in that direction over the past 30 years, I think I'd give him a pass on this. Just like I would have given Franken a pass or Prince Harry for his Nazi uniform at a costume party. None of those people were the brightest bulbs in the pack, but it doesn't mean they were evil, which is what true racism is.

But in any case, as you said, it is up to the people of Virginia to decide. They are the ultimate judge and jury.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Well, now he says he's not either of the people in the photo in question (he says he did ‛darken’ his skin for a ‛Michael Jackson Dance Contest’ back in '84, but when he finally got a chance to look at the photo in question it is not a picture from the dance contest, and not a picture of him, and he didn't do full blackface like that for his event--and he never bought a copy of that yearbook so he didn't see the picture until after he'd assumed it was a picture of the ‛Michael Jackson…’ event and mistakenly confessed to the wrong picture).  Says it ain't him and he ain't gonna resign over this.

Guess it's up to the folks in Virginia to decide whether or not they want to hound him from office now.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It's really not only the people of Virginia who are setting themselves up to judge. You have other Democratic politicians, including Amy Klobuchar, calling for him to resign. She also did the same for Franken. I understand that they don't want someone who is really a racist representing their party. But there also needs to be some consideration of all the facts and for those who this directly affects. In short, I'd say shut up and let the people in Virginia decide.

As to what he remembers, it appears that he is saying he is not the person dressed up as a Klansman, but he did do the black face thing elsewhere. I don't know about the not realizing it was in the yearbook, I would think most people look at their yearbook.

And, of course, there was a reason that people wore the sheets and the pointy hats as Klansmen. They were too cowardly to espouse their hateful beliefs in public.

Have you heard who dug up this photo? I haven't been following it closely enough.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Have you heard who dug up this photo?"

Right-winger conspiracy minded blogger--I forget the name.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Ahh, I'm not surprised.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I find I'm curiously disinterested in tomorrow's State of The Union address.
I'm strongly inclined to not bother to watch, and just let the after analysis summarize Trump's performance for me.  Save a lot of time.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "[Ralph] Northam’s 1984 East Virginial Medical College
      yearbook page
[was] unearthed by conservative website
      Big League Politics…

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I find I'm curiously disinterested in tomorrow's State of The Union address.

Me as well. I found myself watching "Mrs. Peregrine's School for Peculiar Children" which was on cable last night instead. I was a little too tired to have much patience for Trump's BS. We had a decent amount of snow that required clearing the driveway before and after dinner.

It sounds like Thursday will be a replay of Tuesday.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

conservative website
Big League Politics…."

And the Republicans accuse the Democrats of playing politics.

I have come to the conclusion that if you dig hard enough you will find skeletons in just about everyone's closet.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...


They are predicting 4 to 6 inches of snow, 2 to 3 tonight and 2 to 3 tomorrow. Just enough to screw up both the morning and evening commute. It's been every other day. Monday was ice, Tuesday snow and now Thursday again. *deeper sigh*

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

We're looking at freezing rain starting about midnight.  Ice on the roads by morning.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Yeah, we had that Monday. My driveway was a skating rink, as was the parking lot at work. Needless to say I sent off a nasty email to the landlord and the owner of my company. For everyone's safety salt/sand should be put down on commercial parking lots and sidewalks.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It does seem that climate change may be speeding up. Years ago you never had so many freezing and thawing episodes in a single winter. We had -30F last Wednesday, close to 50F on Saturday and now back to more normal temps and then colder Friday again. It's like a seesaw.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

It seems that the media was similarly unimpressed with the idea that Trump was giving/had given a State of the Union speech.  "Trump talked; Trump lied; no news there" seemed to be the widespread response to his hour in the limelight.  (Of course, there were journalists who'd drawn the short straw and had to write about his speech, but even they seemed rather lackadaisical about the assignment.)

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "It's like a seesaw."

The ‛climate deniers’ as they're sometimes called, seem peculiarly unable to understand that ‛global warming’ doesn't imply a stable albeit only slightly warmer climate.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Eventually that understanding may be forced on them.

It's been a really bad week for drivers here. First we get ice, then we get snow, then below zero temps, so the roads don't clear off. From a stuck car, a truck unable to make it up a sloped road because of ice, a bus that had slid into a snow bank or a car that slid through an intersection it's been a bad last couple of days. We may have a brief respite this weekend before it snows again.

Climate change? People are just wearing blinkers if they don't notice some of the unusual extremes we have been experiencing.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Aww geez, now they are saying another plowable, shovable snow next Monday night. This is really getting old.