Sunday 3 July 2016

July 4, 2016

Another July 4th is just around the corner and we are still here, despite those out there who wish us ill. This year I decided to dedicate a post to the people who have worked so hard to make this country, its laws, its economy, its coat of many colors social fabric. Despite people, who in the past, or currently, have decided the best thing would be to close the door on certain groups of people, we have persevered in maintaining a society that allows newcomers a place. It may be a slow, grinding process, but it does eventually create new Americans, and they are the people who contribute to a vibrant, flexible, country.

What amazes me is that while we have focused on certain immigrant groups, such as those from Syria, people are still coming from around the world. I took a peak at various citizenship ceremonies. I liked this one because it was a nice snapshot of where people came from. I don't know the lady who was the reason for the video being made, but I hope she won't mind my letting my readers watch.

I don't know why any of those people in that citizenship ceremony decided to come to this country, but they have all taken an oath to follow the laws of this country, support and defend her. Because the United States is now their country. It is their home. It is now their responsibility. And it is the responsibility of those here who came before to make room for them, to give them, within the protection of our laws, the freedom to grow to be valuable citizens.

While I do not know the hardships our new Americans have experienced on their journey here I did look at the last step they needed to take to become American, the citizenship test, or at least part of it. Here is a link to a few of the questions. You may want to see how you do. I was relieved to realize that I would pass it. Lol! I was also rather amused that in the two tests I looked at the question of when your taxes are due was included in both.  

So to all of our new Americans out there I just want to say congratulations and I hope you find the happiness in this country that you deserve.  



      Lee C.   ―  U.S.A.      said...

The Oath of Allegiance starts out with…

      "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce
      and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate,
      state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a
      subject or citizen…

In spite of that, the United States Supreme Court has held that dual citizenship is allowed, although the circumstances in which it is recognized can be a bit tricky.  I suppose I'm a bit of a traditionalist.  I don't approve of dual citizenship myself.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

List of big-name Republicans supporting Clinton expands

“When it comes to the presidency, I will not vote for Donald Trump,” Paulson wrote in the Washington Post last week. “… I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton, with the hope that she can bring Americans together to do the things necessary to strengthen our economy, our environment and our place in the world. To my Republican friends: I know I’m not alone.”

Perhaps in the end Donald Trump will actually prove to be a catalyst for unity instead of division. He just didn't realize it would be unity in dislike of him!

(I always liked Henry Paulson.)

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I can see where someone may have accidentally acquired dual citizenship, as in the case of a child born in Canada of American parents. But I do agree that dual citizenship could cause problems and it would probably be better to only have citizenship in one country.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

200 killed in Baghdad attack

On this day of celebration here in the States we are reminded that there are other places which know no joy. There are still people who are determined to follow a dark path, rather than reach for the light and attempt to bring prosperity and happiness to those in their country. They are selfish and deserve our pity, as they will never know the joy that a kinder path can bring.

My sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victims of this latest terror attack in Iraq.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "On social media, Iraqis turned their anger toward a wand-style
      device that has been proved to be fake but that is still widely used at
      checkpoints as a bomb detector. On Sunday night, Abadi announced
      that the devices should be withdrawn from checkpoints. Little more
      than an antenna attached to a plastic handle, they have been sold as
      capable of detecting explosives.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I was just talking about that so called bomb detector with someone else the other day. It's been in use for quite some time despite the fact that it doesn't work. In fact I think the charlatan who sold it to Iraq was investigated by the British. Yet the government of Iraq, or someone high in its ranks, chose to continue to use the device. Speculation, of course, being that there was money being make on that deal.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

The Juno probe dropped successfully into orbit around Jupiter overnight.  We're gonna be gettin’ some good stuff here ‘fore too long.

Marcus said...

Yeah, about refugees. I'd like to point out a tidbit from article 2 of the Geneva Conventions regarding refugees I was recently made aware of:

"Every Refugee has duties to the country in which he finds himself, which require in particular that he conform to its laws and regulations as well as to measures taken for the maintenence of public order."

Which IMO means that if a would be refugee does not abide by this, then he/she loses his/her right to claim refugee status according to the treaty.

We could kick out a whole lot for not keeping their side of the bargain. is all I'm sayin'.

Marcus said...

Then again the best thing for all concerned would be to ship 'em all to the USA. Every Middle-easterner and African enterting Europe put on a huge ferry to Ellis Island, and everyone's happy.

Heck, I think I just solved the migrant crisis!

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

The FBI has come in with a recommendation for no prosecution against Clinton on account of her private e-mail setup. 

      "…our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

The Juno probe dropped successfully into orbit around Jupiter overnight. We're gonna be gettin’ some good stuff here ‘fore too long.

Like maybe pictures? :)

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

"Every Refugee has duties to the country in which he finds himself, which require in particular that he conform to its laws and regulations as well as to measures taken for the maintenence of public order."

Yup. See no problem with that.

So? Why is this not enforced? Everyone should be expected to be law abiding.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Every Middle-easterner and African enterting Europe put on a huge ferry to Ellis Island, and everyone's happy.

Except they don't process refugees through Ellis Island anymore. I believe it's only a museum now.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

The FBI has come in with a recommendation for no prosecution against Clinton on account of her private e-mail setup.

They are the ones who would be digging up the dirt, so that should be it. All Wiki-leaks leaks aside. (Sorry, Z.)

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "…a huge ferry to Ellis Island…"

Standard Euroweenie thinking; Euroweenies fuck up, America's supposed to step up and clean up their mess for them, save them from themselves.

      "Like maybe pictures?"

Yeah, pictures.  Be lots and lots of pictures.

      "Why is this not enforced?"

Check it out; he's actually calling for collective punishment--bust ‘em all ‘cause some are offending.

Marcus said...

Lynnette: "So? Why is this not enforced? Everyone should be expected to be law abiding."

Why indeed. Because we have the wrong people in charge here and need much tougher leaders. Here's a recent example (and do NOT slam me on account of the source, I'll find you more palatable ones if you learn to read swedish. Until then the pickings are slim):

Lee: "he's actually calling for collective punishment--bust ‘em all ‘cause some are offending."

No not all. The offenders themselves obviously and possibly the family of the offenders in some cases. Such as the parents of a 15 YO arsonist and stone thrower. Can't keep your kids from rioting? Then you can practice that irresponsible attitude back where you came from.

Marcus said...

Lynnette: "Except they don't process refugees through Ellis Island anymore. I believe it's only a museum now."

Sorry, I didn't know that. Perhaps we could sail 'em up the Mississippi and get 'em all the way to Minnesota then.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "No not all."

I stand corrected on that limited score then.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

David Ignatius is telling us that Da’esh made a mistake by targeting Muslims over the Ramadan holiday in Istanbul, Dhaka, Baghdad, and Medina.  WaPo  Implicit in that is the judgment that the average Arab Muslim wasn't all that offended by Da’esh striking civilian targets in Western and Christian nations.

Marcus said...

Lee: "Implicit in that is the judgment that the average Arab Muslim wasn't all that offended by Da’esh striking civilian targets in Western and Christian nations."

And it never was. Killing "kuffars" has always been permitted in Islam, in case you didn't know that. If the could easily get at ya'll in America, boy how they would bomb ya'll. The only reason they don't is because they can't.

Then this whole deal with a Turkey pivot is basically because the would be Sultan realised his mistakes. He thought he could use this current strife against Assad and the Kurds, and get backing to do so.

He then ailenated first of all the russians which cost him dearly, then made the kurds question (at best) their truce with him, then couldn't crush Assad anyway and as a nasty bonus now Daesh that he thought he might use are turning against him also. No friends left at all the Sultan of Ankara is in dire straiths.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Two things this morning before I read the comments.

First: The FBI director who held the conference regarding Hillary Clinton's actions in her use of her email might go down in history as a pivotal actor in our history.

Second: Chelsea Manning apparently attempted suicide. Now if you don't know who Chelsea Manning is, I understand, because I certainly didn't either. Read and you will see.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Until then the pickings are slim.

I think the problems Sweden is having have become more well known than you might think. I was going to link to this story, although by another source, the other day. The New York Times is reputable enough for me.

Swedish police investigate over 40 reports of rape and groping at 2 music festivals

In the US a 19 year old would be considered an adult and tried as such, btw. Although we may have some similar law in place to prevent someone from being sent back to a country where they could be subject to injury or death because of political upheaval or war. I'm not sure if someone who has committed a crime would be protected, though.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Sorry, I didn't know that.

No problem.

Perhaps we could sail 'em up the Mississippi and get 'em all the way to Minnesota then.

Don't know how deep the old Miss is at the moment. Been having problems in the past with boats going up it because of dry conditions. Climate change, you know.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Another police shooting. This time in Minnesota. *sigh*

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Another really ugly one in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

This  is the link I meant to give to the Baton Rouge shooting.  Really ugly, that one.  Look like the cops stole the store owner's surveillance tapes of the shooting, over his stated objections.

Marcus said...

I used to think that in most of the cop-shooting-black instances there was another side to the story, one where the cop was in his right to shoot.

But that shooting recently where a cop puts 10 bullets into the back of a fleeing man, and now this case where I really can't see the need to shoot the guy, makes me wonder.

To me the US cops seem a bit too trigger happy.... Of course they do a tough ob, but still....

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It's hard to know from that video what was really going on. I understand that the police were responding to a man with a gun call, but that should not mean a death sentence. I do question the part about the taser. If he was tased, why did he not react to that? That sounds like Rodney King. But both the shooting in Baton Rouge and the one in St. Anthony need to be looked at closely to see why deadly force was used.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "To me the US cops seem a bit too trigger happy....
      Of course they do a tough ob, but still....

I have some personal horror stories I could tell ya.  Me and the cops ain't always seen things eye to eye.
Yeah, US cops are, in general, too trigger happy, especially when dealing with non-white, non-white collar citizens.  And then there's a certain small minority who go into police work because they have a sadistic streak and think the badge provides them cover to indulge their impulses (Which it does.)  That's a small percentage, but, unfortunately there's little attempt among the political class to clean those bastards out of the system (on account of that would mean acknowledging that they exist in the first place).  And, in a country as large as ours, even a small percentage is going to provide a constant stream of individual news items to blow up nationwide.

The incidence of sadists in uniform, and untouchable, is fairly new phenomenon, arising probably since the 1960s-70s, for sociological reasons I won't bother going into here, but it's not always been like that.  And it won't be like that for much longer.  The advent of video in people's pockets is gonna provide the incentive to fix that.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Here's the link to the shooting video in Minnesota.

As I'm watching that video it occurs to me that perhaps if the cop had stopped waving around his gun, and the woman had put down the phone/camera, either one of them might have been able to fashion a tourniquet which might have saved the man's life. If she was correct and the shots were to the arm.

Petes said...

"The advent of video in people's pockets is gonna provide the incentive to fix that."

Doubtful. Hasn't worked for 200 or so blacks shot by cops this year so far. Seems some folks in Dallas have hit on another answer -- mass executions of cops. Y'all's perennial problems of guns + racism are escalating.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Doubtful. Hasn't worked for 200 or so blacks shot by cops this year
      so far.

Probably ain't gonna happen on your schedule, nor that of the Dallas shooters.  Don't mean it ain't gonna happen.   Everybody's got a video camera in their pocket these days; the incentives are in place.

Petes said...

Probably ain't gonna happen on any schedule. The cops have been pretty good at makin' video conveniently "disappear". In any case, that Minnesota video shows that yore cops aren't just racist, they clearly haven't the first clue how to deal with civilian incidents at all. In any civilised country that cop would be fired for provoking the situation even if he'd never eventually pulled the trigger.

Marcus said...

I have to say I was of the opinion earlier when there were shootings that "he must've doe something wrong". I basically took the police at their words, more or less.

But now with this new video era I have to say I have seen several instances in a short period of time where the police's actions are not only heavy handed but looks like outright murder.

Myself I thought Lee's 02:45:00 comment was good. Fair and balanced so to speak.

And Pete, to deny that the new aspect of video recording in any-mans pocket will not change things is IMO a completely stupid idea. First of all the videos of some of these late shooings are what really got the debate on police brutality to even get started.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "The cops have been pretty good at makin' video conveniently

Too true, but the crowds are wising up to that and starting to send the videos into the cloud before they let the cops lay hands on their appliances.

      "In any civilised country that cop would be fired for provoking the

A young Arab man in France, or any of several European countries would recognize that cop and his behavior.

Marcus said...

Lee: "The incidence of sadists in uniform, and untouchable, is fairly new phenomenon, arising probably since the 1960s-70s, for sociological reasons I won't bother going into here"

Well.... to get to the bottom of it you might have to get at those underlying reasons, if you wan to debate the current issue and get at an explanation.

Not sayin' that as some sort of critique at you, insted as being curious at what you ean.

Marcus said...

Lee: "A young Arab man in France, or any of several European countries would recognize that cop and his behavior."

Probably not, no. Cops don't shoot as easily in Europe as in the US no matter the target. And arab men are not more likely to get shot than other men, in Europe. Unless he's strapped with explosives that is.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Well.... to get to the bottom of it you might have to get at those
      underlying reasons

Problem is there are several intersecting phenomana.  I'll just mention a couple of the big ones.  Couple of decades back hippies started calling cops "pigs" or worse.  Up until then cop had been an honorable profession, attracting honorable people.  Profession began attracting pigs.  Self-fullfilling prophesy type of thing.  At about the same time the powers that be cut off the ability of a street cop to go to his sergeant or captain or whomever, and tell him that they needed to get rid of one of their own.  Insurance companies didn't like having those comments appear even in closed records, which were still subject to subpoena when the lawsuit got filed.  It became dangerous for a good cop to try to get rid of one of the bad ones--everybody turned on him, so that quit happenin’.  There's more, lot's more, but those are two of the bigger ones.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Probably not, no."

He wouldn't recognize the gun; he'd recognize the cop.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...


I do know how to spell that.

Marcus said...

Looking at this video:

It seems to me the killer is nót just a gangland shooter. It does look like he's had military training of some sort. You just don't act like that without training is my thought.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Gangland shooters are taking training these days.  Black guys and Arabs get to buy assault rifles too.

Marcus said...

Lee : ", 01:18:00 pm"

Informative. I never knew that.

Marcus said...

Still I wouldn't be surprised if that shooter had actual military training. He acted in such a way.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

He got rather farther than necessary from his cover when he was moving.  He didn't forget it, but he didn't cling like a pro.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

So, military maybe, but not a Ranger or upgrade like that.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

In any case, that Minnesota video shows that yore cops aren't just racist, they clearly haven't the first clue how to deal with civilian incidents at all.

Unfortunately that video only starts after the man is shot, so we don't know what transpired before. It struck me as odd that the man was still in the car. According to the girlfriend he had told the officer that he was carrying a weapon, and was licensed to do so, before he reached for his ID. If I were that officer and someone told me they had a gun on them, black or white, I would ask them to step out of the car and keep their hands where I could see them until I determined if he actually had a weapon and if it was licensed. So I would question that officer's training. As to whether the officer was quicker to shoot because the man was black, I don't know. It is certainly possible.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Last time I thought I oughta show a cop I was armed, I raised my jacket to show him the gun and asked him if he wanted it.  I did not make the reach myself.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It seems to me the killer is nót just a gangland shooter. It does look like he's had military training of some sort.

They have identified the shooter in Dallas, Michael Xavier Johnson, 24 years old. Yes, he did serve in the military. His neighbors said that he was reclusive. He told police before he died that he acted alone, that he wanted to kill white police officers. But I think they are going to be cautious and make sure that no one else was involved. Probably a wise idea.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Last time I thought I oughta show a cop I was armed, I raised my jacket to show him the gun and asked him if he wanted it. I did not make the reach myself.


I think if I were armed, and wanted to inform an officer, I would make sure I kept my hands in plain sight and tell him, allowing him to let me know how he wanted me to proceed.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I think it should be noted that at that rally in Dallas the police officers were intent on making sure that those at the rally were safe. They did so at great personal risk, as they were the ones who were the target. Sure there are bad cops out there, but there are also dedicated, honorable, officers. We need to remember that as well.

Petes said...

"Last time I thought I oughta show a cop I was armed, I raised my jacket to show him the gun and asked him if he wanted it. I did not make the reach myself."

I don't suppose the stupidity of carryin' a weapon in such a situation in the first place occurred to ya? Prolly not. We are, after all, talkin' about the country in which people can bring loaded rifles to a public protest. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so bizarre and tragic.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "I don't suppose the stupidity of carryin' a weapon in such a
      situation in the first place occurred to ya?

You are, of course, entirely ignorant of the situation, beyond knowing that I once deemed it appropriate to inform a cop I was packin’.  The stupidity of you making a comment based entirely upon that massive level of topical ignorance is readily apparent, to me and to everybody else.

Petes said...

"You are, of course, entirely ignorant of the situation"

Correct -- from which an intelligent person might infer I don't believe there are any circumstances that justify it.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Or, they might infer something else.

Let us know when you actually have something to say.

Petes said...

Still posturin' for yore "audience", I see. And still incorrigible :-)

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

So, not yet then….

Marcus said...

This is what's wrong with Europe:

Beasts that should have been hung, or at the very least flogged severely and then parachuted back where they came from are smiling and laughing and remaining in Europe. Shameful! Shameful!

Marcus said...

And I don't care one iota about your damned "they have human rights too" argument. They should be either killed on the spot or made examplas of and then returned as invalides to the stinkholes from where they slithered out of. They are NOT humans, and deserve no rights. None. Period.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

One girl got grabbed and kissed (and then licked on the cheek--face cheek not butt cheek); another got her ass grabbed.  May be that hanging and/or flogging are excessive punishments.

Marcus said...

No Lee. Invaders who come unwanted into our countries and then behave as savages (you know damn well there were much more happening in Cologne) and attack women on ur streets deserve to be put down like the rabid dogs they are. Just execute them would be the easiest course of action, but if we are to be soft then perhaps just flog the hell out of em' as punishment and then return em' back to where their perverted ideas are mainstream.

Marcus said...

BTW, you'd sing a whole other tune if it was your sister or daugher who got assaulted by a pack of Hazars from the Afghani deserts. You'd be less inclined to show sympathy then, I bet.

That's the hallmarkings of a cowardly hypocrite, one who feels differently when an ill befalls others than he feels should it befall himself.

Marcus said...

Lee's description:

"One girl got grabbed and kissed; another got her ass grabbed."

From the article:

"An Algerian, Hassan T was also found guilty of being an accomplice to a sexual assault carried out by a group of around 20 men.
The 26-year-old told a man who was walking with two female victims 'Give me the girls, give me the girls - or you're dead.'

"Both the accused took pictures with their two victims before the sexual assaults. The two women broke down and wept while testifying against them.
Jennifer W 27, sobbed as she described how she was grabbed on her buttocks and then fondled by another man while a third tried to plunder cash from her purse.
Her friend Lena S. told how she screamed 'NO! NO! NO!' when attacked."

Why do you attempt so hard to downplay the sexual assaults Lee? Are you in favour of arabs raping European women?

Marcus said...

I bet it's like this:

The establishment wants open borders. It hates the idea of Brexit and the like. Mass immigration is a dogmatic good thing. Muslim/arab/afghan sex crimes against western women must be downplayed because of anti-immigation sentiments might otherwise arise.

Lee, always siding with the establishment tries to do his part. Like the good communist he is at heart. The Party leadership stalwarth supporter.

Marcus said...

I wonder how Lee would have oriented himself under Stalin. He probably wouldnt't have dared a reach up into the upper echelons of the communist Party. He would've known there was always a risk or purges at that level. I bet he would have kept quiet at some lower level post, perhaps in a district off the radars off the Polit Bureau, where he couls still reign and hold court over people at his own pleasure.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Her friend Lena S. told how she screamed 'NO! NO! NO!' when attacked."

Was that the ass grab, or the purse rifling, or the selfie photos that constituted this part of the attack to which she screamed NO! NO! NO!'?

Marcus said...

Again belittling the sexual attacks that rocked a whole nation. Lee C is clearly siding with arab rapists over europeean women.

Why I have no clear idea, other than perhaps his Communist leanings lead him down that sordid path.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Neither of these women were raped.  Nether or these men were charged with rape.

I'm fairly certain that if the perps weren't brown Muslim fellas and the victims pale white Swede women you'd probably recognize that hanging and/or flogging are probably excessive punishments for the offenses described.
But, you don't seem to recognize that under the circumstances described.  So be it; ain't news to me you're a bit of a racist.

Marcus said...

Lee's just the kind of guy to start asking a rape victim: "why did you wear a short skirt", "had you been drinking", "did you have much makeup on", etc.

It's like asking a bank after a robbery: "why did you have money laying around? It's bacause you WANTED to get robbed, isn't it?"

F-ck you Lee for downplaying the hardships of rape victims.

Marcus said...

We've had a few swedish rapists also. Not many since the bulk af all sexual asssault are from "muslim" or perhaps "arab/african" soources. By all means, kill the swedes that rape too. Worthless pieces of scum ayways.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I suspect you're maybe too discombobeled to recognize how incoherent you've become--maybe you don't even notice your own rampant and pervasive non-sequiturs.  Perhaps it's time for another subject?

Or, I can just let ya rant on about his subject alone.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Fixing typo:

      "I can just let ya rant on about this subject…"

Marcus said...

Maybe I'm incoherent. I've said before I dissaprove of the death penallty, now I say I want offenders executed. Incoherent I know.

Anyway, you're the Communist aplologist for rapists.

Being incoheret with regards to punishents is a small thing compared to that.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Your English may have failed you; I said ‘incoherent’, with is a different thing than merely being ‘inconsistent’.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...


The two women mentioned in the article were not raped. I tend to agree with the court and Lee, being kissed and having one's face licked does not seem to me to warrant the death penalty for the perpetrator. I think under our law that would be considered "cruel and unusual" punishment.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

A step closer to Mosul?

Iraqi forces backed by U.S.-led airstrikes have retaken an air base from ISIS near Mosul, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Saturday.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...


Donald Trump, the developer, is in the newspapers almost every day for one thing or another. If he isn't building a skyscraper castle or a football team, he is trying to harass some tenants out of one of his properties.

It's strange for a young man who so craves achievement, recognition, respectability and acceptance to mix into his master-builder activities the petty act of abusing tenants. Yet, though hard to explain, there seems little doubt that it has happened. Both the city and the state, in detailed papers, have brought actions against him for mistreatment of tenants - the state in an administrative proceeding and the city in a lawsuit seeking heavy fines.

So who is crooked?

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

A list of books for summer reading

I love to look at these lists to see if I've read or have any on the list. On this one I've read one (The Martian) and have (What They Carried & The Catcher in the Rye).

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Hmmm...a demonstration going on here on I-94 over the shooting of Philandro Castile. It sounds like the highway has been closed for a couple hours and protesters are throwing things at police.

The attorney for the police officer involved in the shooting is saying that the shooting had nothing to do with racism, but everything to do with the fact that Castile had a gun. He is saying that Castile refused to comply with the police officer's orders.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "The two women mentioned in the article were not raped."

All indications are that Marcus is currently unable to process that data.  The gears spin, but nothin’ happens.  It just doesn't register with him.

Marcus said...

Lynnette: "The two women mentioned in the article were not raped. I tend to agree with the court and Lee, being kissed and having one's face licked does not seem to me to warrant the death penalty for the perpetrator."

Looking back I confess that after Saturdays after-work and a couple more drinks in the early evening I might have been somewhat harsh and dramatic. No you're right, I actually stand by my previous stance against the death penalty and in even if I didn't this wouldn't be a severe enough crime for a maximum sentence.

It's just it pisses me off something awful this steady drumbeat of sexual assaults and rapes just about every other day now. Music concerts and festivals have been a taHarrush-fiesta for immigrants from the ME and Central Asia all summer long. I could link to many tens of articles but they're in swedish almost all of them.

I get so pissed off because it's such a respectless and vile crime. I can understand theft, I can understand robbery, I can understand drug dealing. But not rape. And certainly not collective gang-rape. That indicates there's a shared view that it's something OK going on. And the VAST majority of all gang rapes are by above mentioned immigrants.

Then I also get even more pissed off they get away with a slap on the wrist. And that the left has an ugly tendency to explain away immigrant sexual violence and say the common denominatior is all offenders are men. As if swedish men were just as bad. And they are most certainly not that.

This is also really dangerous because the hatred that's building up is huge. Much worse than you can tell in international media yet. And not only in sweden and certainly not only with me.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "…the hatred that's building up is huge."

Could be that people like you, get a few brews in ya and start insisting on reporting as fact rapes that never happened, are helping to build up the hatred to unnecessary and unwarranted levels.

Marcus said...

Here's one beast that actually got sent back to Algeria (which has no war) by our supreme court just today:

Claimed he was 16 once he got to Sweden. Before that he had sought asylum in Germany saying he was 28. His ID papers said 30.

Anyway he knifed a teenage girl in the face after she had fled through a window after refusing sex with him.

The too lenient sentence calls for him not being allowed back in Sweden for 5 years. What the court thinks he might have of value to bring to Sweden after those 5 years I surely have no idea about.

The blood of the stabbed young girl is partly on the hands of the people who didn't refuse this 28-30 YO man from Algeria with no asylum rights to stay in Sweden to begin with.

Marcus said...

Syrian "refugee" arrested for two rapes in a row during music festival:

The knife-cut 17 YO:

Police reports 32 cases of sexual assaults at music festival, 9 arrested, 5 "unaccompanied refugee childred", 3 foreigners, 1 swedish citizen (not necessarily a swede though):

Gothenburgs main music festival will in an attempt to starve off the sexual assaults that has infested festivals in Sweden very recently, set up "secure zones" for women:

12 YO girl one of the victims of sexual assaults at music festival:

Girl raped in the crowds at the Bråvalla music festival:

Swedens biggest Tabloid about the opposition leader from Moderaterna (who led the giovernment 8 years until 2014):

"We need to increase the penalties for secual crimes [...] the limits for expulsion of foreign nationals who commit sexual assaults must be lowered."

The same party leader:

We need new laws against sex offenders acting in groups.


   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "ETC, ETC, ETC."

Problem is, of course, they may be no more dependable as sources than you are.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Hmm...while some of the articles that Marcus cited are from tabloids and an online publication affiliated with the Swedish Democrats that doesn't necessarily mean they are factually incorrect. I did find another cite about the case of the Algerian whose age was in question in this publication which I think is pretty mainstream.

I have found enough articles in various American publications that discuss the sexual assaults in Sweden to believe that they do have a serious problem.

Btw, I just used Google Translate which does an okay job. It isn't perfect but you get the gist of the piece.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "…believe that they do have a serious problem."

Rape is serious business, even more serious when it's reported breathlessly, over and over.  Do you happen to have any statistics showing rapes are up across Europe in a statistically significant number as opposed to just receiving significantly more media time on those occasions when it happens to involve a Muslim perp?

Marcus said...

Two rapes at the "Power Meet" festival in Västerås. Power Meet is a car festival for folks who like to maintain and drive old Yank cars. The collective left (Establishment mouthpiece Commies like Lee) went into a spin now that it was clear rapes occur also in ethnic swedish environments. Power Meet was described in tweets as "the whitest place in Sweden". End result? They arrested a Syrian arab who can't speak any swedish yet for both rapes:

Better throw in a copy of the court order since Lee will prolly claim I'm a liar:

Marcus said...

CNBC about the fragility of Italys baning sector:

Other "less trustworthy" (as Lee would say) sources report long lines at ATM:s and ATM:s running out of cash in Italy, Google "bank runs in Italy" or something similar. Those thinking the Euro crisis is over will likely be surprised. And soon sitting on £:s might well be preferable to sitting on €:s despite all the hysteria over Brexit.

Marcus said...

Let's all watch Lee claim this is not trustworthy:

"LONDON — At first, there was complete silence from officials. As rumors spread on social media, police had nothing to say about allegations of mass sexual assaults and other crimes carried out on New Year's Eve in the German city of Cologne."

Censoring bastards! Of course not the police but the politicians and traditional established media who did the censoring.

"Authorities now think that on New Year's Eve, more than 1,200 women were sexually assaulted in various German cities, including more than 600 in Cologne and about 400 in Hamburg."

"Officials have linked the sexual assaults to the influx of refugees. "There is a connection between the emergence of this phenomenon and the rapid migration in 2015," Holger Münch, president of the German Federal Crime Police Office, told Sueddeutsche Zeitung."

Be very wary about this part:

"More than 2,000 men were allegedly involved, and 120 suspects — about half of them foreign nationals who had only recently arrived in Germany — have been identified."

About half foreign nationals. It does NOT imply the rest were Germans. Rather they were "germans".

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

@ Lynnette:

Marcus obviously doesn't know the difference between statistics and anecdotes.  I'm assuming you do not suffer that limitation.

Marcus said...

You can use Google for your own questions Lee. I have no Europe wide stats and BRÅ (loosly: crime prevention agency) stopped doing sex-crime stats after their 2005 report where it was evident arabs in particular were hugely overrepresented. Up until 1996 they did even more thorough studies. Those have been attempted to be purged but the Internet is a wonderful thing:

You can look at page 107 in the Brå 1996 report. The second column "Våldtäkt" means rape. You can see for yourself that with ethnic Swedes as the benchmark 0.2 you have an over representation amongst foreign born by as follows:

North Africans 23 times higher
Iraqi 20 times higher
Africans (other countries) 16.5 times higher
Iranians 10 times higher
Jordanians, Palestinians Syrians 9.5 times higher
Turks 9 times higher

Like I said these reports revealed "uncomfortable" news and the "establishment" decided to censor and it was decided not to do any ethnic/nationality stats any more. So as of 2005 there just isn't any.

Which gives people like you an opportunity to squeal "show me the stats!", because there isn't any any more. People of sound minds will realise, however, that the over representation of said groups likely remain, and that MASSIVE hoards of such immigrants will likely have an effect.

Marcus said...

(Then you probably already knew or at least strongly suspected that was the case, but being a Communist minded diehard mouthpiece for the Establishment you just had to pretend ignorance)

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Those convictions in court or allegations as reported in the media or something in between?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

@ Lynnette,

Multi-government conspiracies to suppress evidence extending across decades…?  Marcus is easily the match for our best skinhead neo-nazi conspiracy freaks, or even the best of the little green men enthusiasts.

Marcus said...

Those are convictions in court. In the 2005 report the cases aren't registered by nationality but differs just between swedish born and foreign born and some of it for second generation immigrants. There the rape/attempt at rape is 5.0 times higher for all immigrants (of which a large porion is other scandinavians with little or no over representation in previous reports)

Note page 43:

* Våldtäkt/försök till våldtäkt 1,8 5,0

Then in 2006 it was decided that no such statistics should be kept any longer. This coincides with the Sweden Democrats "shockingly" getting 2.7% in the 2006 elections and a much stifled debate climate.

However, it's a little too damn obvious not for folks to notice this, even though very few actually look up what stats there are to be found. We KNOW that there weren't any gang rapes and mass gropings at music festivals back in the 80's when for instance I was young. It just didn't happen. And now it's rampant. And I know precisely why. I am 100% sure of why.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "And I know precisely why. I am 100% sure of why."

You are certain enough to insist on report a mere groping as a rape and to continue to do so even after your misrepresentation has been noticed and then later to dismiss the misrepresentation as just a matter of you being ‘dramatic’

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Rape in Sweden

The legal definition of rape in Sweden is described in chapter 6 in the Swedish Penal Code.[1] Historically, rape has been defined as forced sexual intercourse initiated against a woman or man by one or several people, without her/his consent.[2] In recent years, several revisions to the definition of rape have been made in Swedish law,[3] to now not only include intercourse, but comparable sexual acts initiated against someone passive—incapable of giving consent—because they are in a vulnerable situation, such as a state of fear or unconsciousness.[4]

In 2014, there were 6,700 rapes reported to the Swedish police—or 69 cases per 100,000 population—according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ), which is an 11 percent increase from the previous year.[5] The number of convictions has remained relatively unchanged since 2005, with approximately 190 convictions on average each year.[6][7]

There have been several international comparisons made, placing Sweden at the top end of the number of reported rapes. However, police procedures and legal definitions vary widely across countries, which makes it difficult to compare rape statistics.[8][9][10][11] For example, Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005,[3][4][8][12] which largely explains a significant increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013.[13][14] The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.[8][11][15] Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to increase the number of crimes reported.[8][14][16][17] Raised awareness and a shifting attitude of sexual crimes in Sweden,[note 1][18] which has been ranked as the number one country in gender equality,[19] may also explain the relatively high rates of reported rape.[8][11][20]

The BRÅ has not released detailed data on rape committed by immigrants since 1996, but according to that report individuals with an immigrant background made up 53% of all rape convictions between 1985 and 1989.[21]

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Let's see if I got this right. 
    6,700 reported rapes
    190 actual convictions (less than 3% conviction rate)
    53% of all rape convictions against persons with an ‘immigrant background’.

Marcus considers this proof that Mexicans are indeed the rapists and murderers that Trump says they are.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

This may be a problem:

Italy's banking sector is looking increasingly vulnerable and analysts are starting to fear that the euro zone's third largest economy could "go under," warning of the potential for bank runs, credit rating downgrades and the threat to the wider European banking system.

"Italy could be a bigger threat to euro zone stability than Brexit," Andrew Edwards, chief executive of London spread better ETX Capital said in a note on Tuesday. "The nation has a creaking banking sector that could undo all the European Central Bank's efforts to save the euro if not handled correctly."

"Unlike other countries, Italy did not carry out a full spring clean of its banks post-Lehmans and there is trouble brewing with the country's banks holding 360 billion euros ($400 billion) in non-performing loans (NPLs) - a third of all the euro zone's bad debt and about a fifth of all consumer loans in Italy," Edwards noted, highlighting the extent of Italy's banking vulnerabilities.
From Marcus' link.

Marcus said...

"Marcus considers this proof that Mexicans are indeed the rapists and murderers that Trump says they are."

How did Apparatchik Lee come to this bizzare conclusion one wonders...

Lynnette: "since 1996, but according to that report individuals with an immigrant background made up 53%"

And remember that in -96 we had just had a huge immigrant influx from the Balkans, and the ME-immigration after the US-wars of the 2000's had not yet started. Yet look at the listing by country I gave above. Not many Yugoslavs there...

Marcus said...

When Apparatchick Lee issn't blaming the victim he's shooting the messenger:

"Could be that people like you, get a few brews in ya and start insisting on reporting as fact rapes that never happened, are helping to build up the hatred to unnecessary and unwarranted levels."

The situation is much, much worse than ya'll yanks seem to understand. And there are more informed people saying so:

"France is ‘on the brink of civil war’ that could be started by a mass sex attack similar to assaults in Germany on New Year’s Eve.

The country’s head of intelligence Patrick Calvar issued the warning, explaining that another terrorist attack or sexual assault by migrants could be the trigger."


But obviously Apparatchick Lee C knows better than the head of french intelligence.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

You should probably learn Petes' fantasy Catholic maths so you can be a dumbass fanatic all the time and not just when the subject of Muslims comes up.

Marcus said...

I didn't have the heart to tell you since you seemed so committed, but Pete's been right about that algebra debate all along.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Ah, good, so you've absorbed his fantasy Catholic maths already.  Now you're fully equipped to be a crazy ass bastard all the time; congrats.

Marcus said...

Nah, just messin' with you Lee. I never got into that math debate at all never made an attempt at understanding it. And while my gut feeling tells me Pete is way more qualified in that area than you are I have no proof of it, and frankly I don't care.

Marcus said...

I do note that I come up with massive volumes of "anecdotal evidence" and then you shoot 'em down as insignificant and squeal (like a stuck pigglet) for statistics, and when I offer you what stats there are to be had you turn again and wail about anecdotes.

So, just to be straight here Lee: I say immigrants from "hounor system cultures" are WAY more inclined to rape than European natives are. I say this is a huge problem. If you think otherwise, then explain yourself.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Nah, just messin' with you Lee."

No, you were not, you just barely avoided me messing with you.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I think native born Europeans are a huge problem, at least, the ones who're willing to lie with impunity and who insist on blowing up every minor incidence of grab-ass into a full blown forcible rape (at least where the the perp is a brown skinned Muslim and the victim a white European)
I think unrestrained, reveled in racial bigotry is a huge problem in Europe that is; less of one over here, although we do have our problems.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

And, I think you've obviously been hangin’ out with folks who still think callin’ someone a ‘commie’ is a devastating put down.  Suggests you've taken up tight with fascists, but that's your particular problem, nobody else's.
Makes ya look like a dumbass, but then hangin’ out with fascists is a dumbass move, so you pretty much deserve to wear the look.

Marcus said...

You go live in effin JeMem then, with your rapist think-alikes! You women hating rapist wannabe apparatnickh bastard! FU!

Marcus said...

Lee couldn't ever see a rape (of a white woman) he didn't actually applaud. I guess there must be some sort of diagnosis for a .. well not man, but an attempt at a man, who readily cherishes women of his own kind being raped by outsiders.

Masochist doesn't really cut it as a name for Lee. Worm might be a better description.

A Communist Apparatnick worm. With no backbone and no honour. Spit!

Marcus said...


   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Taps flowin’ on Wednesdays in Malmö?

Petes said...

[Marcus]: "I never got into that math debate at all never made an attempt at understanding it. And while my gut feeling tells me Pete is way more qualified in that area than you are I have no proof of it..."

LOL. Have you been on the booze cruise to Denmark? Your gut sounds like it's been having a titanic battle with hard liquor. However, on this at least it's got the facts straight. Not that I revel in being way more qualified than Lee, since his qualification level is less than zero. By that I mean that he ain't just clueless, he adamantly defends nonsensical statements that he doesn't understand himself. He claims thousands of people on the interwebz are wrong, just so that he can be right, and then accuses others of engagin' in fantasy. What a chump ;-)

Petes said...

Anyways, I was just swingin' by to marvel at a US cop shooting of yet another unarmed civilian, Dylan Noble. Seem like gettin' spooked by a stop-and-search in the States can quite easily earn you a summary death sentence. In this case, having bungled a situation that should quite easily have been de-escalated, two cops keep firing at the teenager while he's immobile on the ground.

I think I understand the situation a bit more after watching the Sky News documentary referred to in this piece. In it, the assembled US police chiefs -- having seen how UK police deal with violent incidents -- admit that they feel no duty of care to a civilian acting dangerously who might be disturbed or disoriented. Their training and their instinct is to disable the suspect by all mean possible, including lethal force.

I reckon it's quite astonishing to people from most civilised countries. In spite of being fed a diet for decades of US TV cop dramas in which the "bad guys" get shot all the time, I don't think anyone actually believed that's the way they operate in real life. One or two mistakes might be understandable ... but a thousand a year??? That's equivalent to 200 a year in the UK, pro rata. I can tell you for sure that it would not only be police chief heads on the chopping block, but heads of state, if such a situation pertained. Simply incredible!

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "… he adamantly defends nonsensical statements that he doesn't
      understand himself. He claims thousands of people on the interwebz
      are wrong, just so that he can be right, and then accuses others of
      engagin' in fantasy.

Amazing that you would drop in on that conversation just to babble on and be so clearly wrong on all counts.  Literally amazing.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

One thing's real clear.  I'm okay with the way things came out.  Petes was trying to bullshit his way out of his mistake.  Only, nobody's paying attention except him and me, and we both knew he was bullshitting big time.  So, I'm good.

Him---not so much.  He just can't let it go; gotta keep tryin’ to buy that one back somehow, even though he knows it's a lost cause.  Figures it means he hasn't lost as long as he's still slingin’ bullshit. 

Only means that to him; don't work on me.

Marcus said...

Pete: "LOL. Have you been on the booze cruise to Denmark? Your gut sounds like it's been having a titanic battle with hard liquor. However, on this at least it's got the facts straight. Not that I revel in being way more qualified than Lee, since his qualification level is less than zero."

No need for a booze cruise explaining that. I have simply scrolled past that whole debate from beginning to end. Which is why I can't say for sure who's right (hell, I am not even sure what the debate is about). That said, knowing you and knowing Lee I'd guess 99% that you're the one who's correct and that Lee is just schukin' and divin' and arguin' for the hell of it. As per usual.

I always knew he was obnoxious. Now that I learn that he's also a rabid sex-offender apologist I hold him in even less esteem.

Marcus said...

Also, rom my previous DM link:

"In May the former head of MI6, Richard Dearlove, said Europe would face a 'populist uprising' if its governments did not take control of the migrant crisis."

"German Chancellor Angela Merkel was also told by security experts last October that middle class citizens in Germany were becoming 'radicalised' because of her open borders migrant policy.
She was warned that it could lead to widespread disorder."

So it's not just France, it's not just Sweden. Sensible folks outside the political (forcibly politically correct) arena, such as spychiefs and security-police chiefs, across Europe are raising red flags. They are raising them because of what is actually going on, which is plain to be seen. Meanwhile local Apparatnicks and international rabid system-supporters like Lee Commie denies any problems.

Marcus said...

An Australian (not yet imbibed by PC censoring standards) takes a look at the rape epidemic in Europe:

Lee C, the Communist Apparatnick from the hills of America, will undoubtedly tell us that Australia is at the very least a fascict, and possibly a nazi, country.

Then he (Lee) will silently slither back into his hut and relish in white women being raped or assaulted. Possibly because he himself could never get a woman to begin with. Probably so.

Marcus said...

I'm sorry Lynnette and Pete to bring up all the rape and sexual assaults happening in Europe. I do that because I would like to inform you of the reality and make you understand my anti-immigration stance. As it is.

That my posts arouse Lee C who evidently enjoy the rape of white women is an unfortunate by-product. Sorry 'bout that.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Now, if you could just get rid of that last little bit of reservation, throw yourself unreservedly behind Petes' fantasy Catholic math full-tilt, full time and without that last little bit of reservation, then, just like Petes, you could be crazy all the time, and not just when the subject of Muslim immigrants comes up.

Marcus said...

Never cared wether an immigrant was a muslim or not. I'd rather take in 1000 malasian muslims than 1000 "whatever" middle easterners any day of the week. Hell, in Södertälje they have a huge mafia problem with syrian christians. I want them out too.

And don't let that give you the idea that: oh, he's not just a religious racist but an ethnic one to boot!

I never spoke ethnicity, I think all religion is BS, I believe the main problem is culture. Or rather blending vastly different cultures.

Something ya'll yanks might not get since, after all, ya'll have no culture.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "I'd rather take in 1000 malasian muslims than 1000 'whatever' middle
      easterners any day of the week.

Totally irrelevant, as nobody's offering to make the swap; nobody's gonna take ya up on your offer.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I've been following the discussion(okay, argument) that you and Lee have been having, Marcus, and it has occurred to me that you seem to have changed your stance on people from the Middle East in general since I first read your comments over at Zeyad's. You seemed far more tolerant then of the difference in cultures. Have you personally had any interaction with someone from the ME in Sweden that has caused this or is it the articles and general media coverage of the immigrants that has been the catalyst?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "…the discussion (okay, argument) that you and Lee have been

IF you've been following it, then it's gotta be apparent to you that he and I are not having the same argument.  He's off arguing with some imaginary fella he's dreamed up, to whom he's given my screen handle.  Things apparently happen in his imagination and then he responds to them here, as if they'd happened for real.

Petes said...

"That said, knowing you and knowing Lee I'd guess 99% that you're the one who's correct and that Lee is just schukin' and divin' and arguin' for the hell of it."

Hilariously, the way it started out I thought we were gonna be arguin' about the mathematics of Einstein's Relativity. Then it turned out Lee needed to be tutored on some mathematical baby steps first. Then it turned out that he couldn't even handle the baby steps. And finally we discovered that he doesn't understand the very basis of mathematical reasoning, which is to say, logic. And let's face it, you have to have abandoned not only logic but sanity to believe that 300 maths professors who agree with each other on a point of element algebra are wrong, and you're right.

On a more sombre note, there's breaking news of a truck attack in France killing dozens and wounding a hundred during Bastille Day fireworks.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

You're arguing with yourself now fat boy.  This conversation was over about 2:00 am.  It's a monologue now.

I got an idea…  Why don't you start insisting you're really thin and it's only an illusion that you're fat, see how well that works for ya.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

77 dead in what they are calling a terror attack in Nice.

Petes said...

"You're arguing with yourself now..."

Yet strangely enough, yore still buzzin' round like an annoyin' insect. Ya jes' can't leave it alone, can ya. Wanna tell us again how 300 maths professors are wrong, and yore right? I guess that story of yore intellectual heroism against the internet hordes is firmly embedded as an idée fixe in yer tiny mind by now. LOL.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      " Wanna tell us again how 300 maths professors are wrong, and yore right?"

Again?  You are nuts.   Too bad we can't get Marcus fully on your bandwagon.  You two could make a quite a show.

Petes said...


Sure. And don't forget to mention that huge mistake they snuck in there on purpose without ever mentioning it. And how it has been ignored by thousands of Wikipedia visitors as part of a giant internet conspiracy of cosmic proportions, all designed so as to make y'all's algebraic crackpottery correct. ;-)

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...


   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Crazy ass bastard talkin’ to himself in public.  Monologue.

Petes said...

"Crazy ass bastard talkin’ to himself..."

And yet you keep respondin', Chumpy ;-)

Can't be a whole lot of people with the hubris to claim the whole internet's wrong just so they can be right. So I guess y'all recognise yoreself from the description.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "And yet you keep respondin'"

Oh, I see…  Anything that acknowledges your existence is all the response you need.  (And you probably wondered how I knew you were a sole child.)  Well, I can easily afford to indulge you at least that far.

Yes, we see you.

Petes said...

"Anything that acknowledges your existence is all the response you need."

Didn't you just allege I was talkin' to myself, ya clueless dope? Enough of yer obfuscations. Let's stick to the subject ... of yer worse than zero score at algebra ;-)

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Crazy ass bastard talkin’ to himself in public."
      (emphasis added)

Yeah, we see ya Petes.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Dead count in Nice, France is up to 84 this morning.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...


Another sad day.

Trump thinks we need to declare war on Daesh. However, I think W. already did something similar with AQ. As far as I am concerned Daesh is merely the even more horrible step child of AQ. We have already been at war for some time, he apparently just didn't notice.

As for the attack in France so far Daesh has not claimed responsibility and the attacker did not pledge allegiance to any group. It's possible he was a lone crazy doing this for his own reasons. It doesn't make it any less of a terror attack, though. Nor does it mean that Daesh will not continue their own reign of terror attacks if given the opportunity.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Trump thinks we need to declare war on Daesh."

Obama asked for one of those too.  Turned out the Republican Congress wanted nothing to do with actually authorizing war in the Syrian/Iraqi Sunni hinterlands.  They like to talk tough, don't want to vote to spend money.  I don't think they'd be more apt to give an authorization to Trump who, although he claims to be a Republican and he is not Obama, is rather unpredictable.

I read an article the other day, second on these lines I've seen, that says Da’esh is prepping for the terrorist campaign to come after they lose their ‘Caliphate’ centered around Raqqah, Syria.

Marcus said...

Lynnette: "Marcus, and it has occurred to me that you seem to have changed your stance on people from the Middle East in general since I first read your comments over at Zeyad's. You seemed far more tolerant then of the difference in cultures."

First of all the debate then was about the war on Iraq, which I strongly opposed. So any "tolerance" I had was to do with arabs getting to decide in arabia for themselves without being bombed. I still feel that way.

Lynnette: "Have you personally had any interaction with someone from the ME in Sweden that has caused this or is it the articles and general media coverage of the immigrants that has been the catalyst?"

Probably mostly from media. I have had some bad experiences with new immigrants but not that many and frankly not too bad either (and living in Malmö I get my fair share of interactions). But I'm a 40+ YO male. I tend to get respect, and I demand it, which is why I get it. Women and girls - not so much, as I have linked to repeatedly. I do NOT like the way my town is changing.

Lynnette: "As for the attack in France so far Daesh has not claimed responsibility and the attacker did not pledge allegiance to any group. It's possible he was a lone crazy doing this for his own reasons."

There are starting to be quite a few "lone crazies" now, aren't there? Might could be we'd better start to ask ourselves how "lone" they are and under what banner they actually kill innocent people wholesale, no?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Might could be we'd better start to ask ourselves how 'lone’ they
      are and under what banner they actually kill innocent people wholesale,

The shooter in the Orlando, Florida nightclub had alternately claimed allegiance to al-Nusra, ISIS (Da'esh), and Hezbolla (a Shia outfit), all of whom are actively fighting one another right now in Syria.  Perhaps you conspiracy freaks oughta start there.  You can start by tryin’ to figure out whether any of them had ever even heard of him before he made himself famous that night.

Marcus said...

The greatest woman in the world:

Leaps better than the corrupt and scripted toady for the establishment, Hillary. Not even Hillary's supporters can say much more than she's supposedly "better than the alternative".

Marcus said...

Lee: "The shooter in the Orlando, Florida nightclub had alternately claimed allegiance to al-Nusra, ISIS (Da'esh), and Hezbolla (a Shia outfit), all of whom are actively fighting one another right now in Syria. Perhaps you conspiracy freaks oughta start there. You can start by tryin’ to figure out whether any of them had ever even heard of him before he made himself famous that night."

Obviously he was a "lone wolf". But then YOU can look at all those entities he claimed allegiance to and see if you can find a comon demnominator. Can you?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Perhaps instead we should move on to the San Bernardino couple, Farook and Malik, who appeared to simply consume radicalism from several competing sources from over the internet?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "The greatest woman in the world:"

You liked the part where she was praising the Iranians, did ya?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Maybe it was her praise for the Russians that drew your applause?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Appears as of this writing that the coup in Turkey is still a work in progress--neither success nor failure clearly indicated.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

That coup in Turkey was not at all what I was expecting. A civil war with the Kurds, perhaps, but not something within the military.

It does appear that Erdogan is not going to give in without a fight. News it that a fighter jet shot down a helicopter flown by coup supporters. That suggests this could be a long drawn out fight if the coup plotters have deep support. Whoever they may be.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Problem is that Erdoğan is the one with deep support.  He's popular with the Turkish voters.  He's apparently not so popular with our Swedish xenophobe, but that's pretty much not at all important.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Hmmm...looks like the coup may be fizzling. Even within the military there is little support for the coup.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Erdoğan has successfully purged most of the military officers he thought might be a threat.  He's gutted the higher ranks over the years, and made sure the replacements were amenable to his program.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Sun's up in Ankara, Turkey and we will henceforth be referring to last night's excitement as the ‘attempted coup’.

Marcus said...

Lee: "Problem is that Erdoğan is the one with deep support. He's popular with the Turkish voters. He's apparently not so popular with our Swedish xenophobe, but that's pretty much not at all important."

Agreed. My opinion is obviously irrelevant. Regarding the matter at hand I wouldn't have voiced support for any coup against Erdogan anyway. He's an Islamist and he's clamping down on freedoms, but he's democratically elected by the Turks. If they want to elect someone to take them in that direction then so be it. I think they are making a huge mistake and risk reversing muck of the gains their previously pretty secular governance has brought them.

But, as you say, what I think about it is not at all important. It's for the Turks to decide. I am still allowed to have an opinion though.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

We can reasonably expect the failed coup to strengthen Erdoğan's hand in Turkey.  Won't do much for his international reputation, but it'll strengthen his position domestically.  He's already making moves to exploit the story, round up all his significant political opposition under the shroud of the coup attempt.