Friday, 13 December 2024

Und so beginnt es

I found the phrase in my title in a letter in my local newspaper. The writer was talking about a school district in my state which has been intent on removing some books from its library shelves as well as its curriculum. They seem to think using a site like to research books is a good idea. The writer of the letter had some objections to that. As, frankly, do I. Banning books for “objectionable” content is as old as, well, Nazi Germany.  The letter writer felt his relatives who survived the holocaust would understand, "Und so beginnt es".  

For book banning is only a beginning.  

The environment we find ourselves in feels an awful lot like this:

How do democracies die? All they need is for good people to do nothing, or to elect the wrong person to public office.

One of my infrequent readers commented that I seem to focus a lot on one man. Yes, he is correct. But that is because this is a moment in history that will have momentous consequences. Attention needs to be paid.

Welcome to the Resistance 2.0.


  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

      "Welcome to the Resistance 2.0."

I'm not entirely sure there's gonna be a 'Resistance 2.0'.
I am expecting Trump to spring a surprise power grab on his first day, or soon thereafter.  Could be that'll light the fire.  I ain't offering to bet on it though.  Havta wait and see.

One thing seems clear 'nuff, Trump backtracking on his campaign promises (e.g. grocery prices which were mentioned last thread) ain't gonna dislodge any of his supporters.

For whatever little it's maybe worth…  The South Korean Parliament has voted to impeach their president, Yoon Suk Yeol, for his attempt to declare martial law.  (Maybe that'll be cause for a pause inside the Trump White House.)

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

75 million people voted for Kamala Harris. They won't all stay quiet for long. As for the 77 million that voted for Trump, I suspect not all will be happy about what their votes have bought.

Trump won by only 1.5% points. Despite what he claims that really isn't a mandate.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Welcome to the resistance.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

      "… that really isn't a mandate."

There are 77 million Trump voters who believe that it is.
And, the more Trump fails at his economic promises (reducing the deficit, reducing grocery store prices, reducing the cost of living in general), the more he will offer them consolation in book burnings and faggot lynchings and public ni**er stranglings and such as that.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

Possibility is increasing that we'll be looking at a government shutdown come Friday.  Mike Johnson has lost control of his Trumpkan/Republicans in the House.  Might not get a funding bill of any sort out of the House this time (they've already blown up negotiations on the Farm Bill that's supposed to be their annual present to their rural 'base'), and the money already appropriated runs out on Friday.
Merry Christmas.

Changing subjects.  Trump says there's been "little" progress towards a peace agreement for Russia/Ukraine.  Politico.EU  Don't look like he's gonna get that one settled in a day either.

Beginning to look like the price of groceries ain't gonna be Trump's top line problem come the inauguration.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I think someone once said that trying to get Americans all on the same page is like herding cats. Or something to that effect, anyway. Probably true.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

Looks like Mike Johnson has made a deal with the Democrats and will get a three month funding bill passed through the House by Friday.  It may endanger his grip on the Speaker's chair, which'll be the first vote in the new House come the 3สณแตˆ of January.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It looks like the GOP controlled House has decided to prosecute Liz Cheney for investigating Trump.

Ain't the new American Fasicsm grand? But, hey, the price of eggs is oh so important.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Hmmm...the House Ethics Committee has now voted, secretly, to release the report on Matt Gaetz. Interesting.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Maybe there are Republicans out there with a spine after all. We shall see.

The funding they agreed to includes a raise for Legislators.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

Matt Gaetz is widely despised in both the House and the Senate, even among Trumpkan/Republicans.  He's a special case.  I wouldn't read too much into that Ethics' release.

I'm beginning to think that Trump is trying to overload any potential resistance in minor to moderate outrages so they're don't react as strongly to whatever major outrages he has planned for the day after his inauguration.  (And I do suspect he has a major outrage planned--declaration of martial law perhaps; something along those lines.)

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Trump has always been unpredictable. Or perhaps it is better to say he is predictable in his unpredictability.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It sounds like Trump and Musk are trying to deep six the stopgap spending bill.

No need for martial law, just being everything to a screeching haul. Those 77 million people have a lot to answer for.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

I'm not sure Musk and Trump are on the same page.  Musk might think a stock market crash would give him an opportunity to pick up some companies on the cheap.
Musk has been generally down on the "CR" idea for a couple of days now, no matter what its iteration.  Trump was just getting off the pot late yesterday.  (Mostly Trump wants to throw his weight around to show that he can, I think.)

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It looks like Trump and Musk want the debt ceiling eliminated for the next 2 years.

Funny, I could have sworn the Republicans were dragging their feet last time at raising the debt ceiling.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

If the Trumpkan/Republicans want to repeal the debt ceiling altogether I'd be in favor of that.  It's served very little function except to allow budget-hawk Republicans to engage in mischief whenever there's a Democratic administration in office.

But, I ain't in favor of lifting it for the Trumpkan/Republicans just to reimpose it if and when a non-fascist government takes power.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

A large portion of the federal employees who work on the presidential transition and work on the inauguration ceremony are considered "non-essential" employees.  Trump's inauguration may have to take place in a small room in the White House.  (Lyndon Johnson was sworn in on an airplane, so it can happen that way.)

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

Starting to be some questions muttered in the dark fringes of the Trumpkan/Republican herd 'bout who's actually running this show; Trump or Elon Musk?
Trump ain't gonna allow that question to blossom.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I have a solution to the spending bill. It's very simple. Pass the original bill. Tell Musk and Trump to go jump, they are not president yet. Biden is, and he will sign it.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I tend to agree with eliminating the debt ceiling permanently. No one adheres to it anyway. I don't think any other country does it that way.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Well, it sounds llike the House Republicans have come up with the idea of voting on separate bills. Didn't they do that before?

Much better to tell Musktrump to go jump.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

      "Didn't they do that before?"

No.  Doesn't look like they're gonna do it this time.  Instead they've already moved on to a Plan "D" that'll need Democratic support 'cause it'll never get enough Trumpkan/Republican support.
It supposedly is quite a lot like the deal they originally agreed to that Trump/Musk told them to kill back on Wednesday.  I'm not sure what changes they've made to appease Trump.  I don't think the Democrats have agreed to it yet (and they may not when they finally get to see the new version--depending on what changes the Trumpkan/Republicans have imposed on this draft), and no word whether Trump or Musk will consent to its passage either.

So, I don't necessarily expect this plan to go anywhere either.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

Preliminary muttering in a post on ๐• shows Musk is initially opposed (highly skeptical at least) to Mike Johnson's "Plan D" mentioned above ↑↑

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Well whatever it is, it passed with the help of Democrats.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Johnson seems to think they had the support of the presidents elect. Guess we'll have to wait and see what their tweets say.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

Musk has decided to be less skeptical.  (Post on ๐•)
I don't think Trump's had a chance to figure out what's happened yet.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

No word yet from Trump on his spin on the House passage of a 'continuing resolution' yesterday.  Gotta figure Mike Johnson is eager for support on that, but Trump hasn't weighed in yet, and it may be awhile before he does.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Sounds like his reaction was basically a shrug.

I was reading in my paper or perhaps it was in the Washington Post extra..anyway the writer of the piece was saying that Trump/Musk want to do away with the FDIC.

Sounds like they really have no concept of what occurred around the time of the Great Depression.

  Lee C.   ―   U.S.A.    said...

      "Sounds like his reaction was basically a shrug."

Or…  Trump may instead be nursing a grudge there.  Politico

Lotta really rich people got lots richer during the Great Depression.  (comparatively richer anyway, and that's the proper way to measure temporal wealth.)  They could foreclose on stuff, buy up other stuff real cheap.