Friday 19 October 2018

Beyond MAGA

We are now at the halfway point of Donald Trump's term as President of the United States. This fall America will vote again. With the mid-term election we are given a chance to make our views known. There have been any number of books on what has been happening behind the scenes in Trump's administration. One released recently is “The Fifth Risk” by Michael Lewis. I hear so many people complain about the lack of talent or bureaucratic inaction in our government. What this book does is look behind the curtain, revealing that there are some very amazing people, or were, behind it.    

If you really want to be an informed voter, one who carefully weighs their selection, one who is able to look beyond the hype of those MAGA hats, listen for a moment to Mr. Lewis when he talks about the subject matter of his book. Because this isn't about sound bites, it's about the nuts and bolts of running a country. It's about our putting in place people who really do have the ability to make our country great, not again, but still.

Before you vote in November take a little time and pick up this book and read it with an open mind.

 It's important.


Marcus said...

Listened until I heard "Russia"... then wtf, I've heard it all before just in a different setting.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Rumor going around is that Mueller's already ready to say some things about ‛Russia’ and is holding off for now so's to not influence the upcoming elections (like James Comey should have done, but did not).

You may want to avoid the news out of America entirely after Mueller gets 'round to having his say, on account of that'll be the hot topic for awhile.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

The Saudi are refining their story about Jamal Khashoggi as they go along.  They're a little slow to come to terms with how to structure lies for consumption in Trumplandia.  The rule is that the story should be coherent if possible.  It need not pretend to be plausible, the dedicated Trumpkins will pretend to believe damn near anything, but they want it to be coherent if possible.
So, as the Saudi acquaint themselves with the rules for lying in Trumplandia they've been refining their story as they go along.

Current version is that Khashoggi got killed in ‛a fight’.  That's nowhere near plausible, but that doesn't matter.  The question is whether or not it's coherent enough as a story.
I think they're almost there.  I'm bettin' on this bein' near 'bouts the final version.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

And, yet, there is that pesky recording to deal with.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Listened until I heard "Russia"... then wtf, I've heard it all before just in a different setting.

Maybe there is good reason for having heard it before?

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

One nice day. That's all I get to work in the yard. *sigh* I made good use of the time. For tomorrow it's back to winter like weather.

Marcus said...

Trump more popular than Obama:

Well he sure as shit got more accomplished, and if he wasn't treated to such treachery from the Deep State he could have done even more.

I read now that a new caravan of 6000 hondurans and guatemalans are en route to the USA and it's being said they will all camp out on Lynnette's front lawn and that Lynette will absorb the cost of feeding them all outta her own kitchen.

Also, that even though Lynnette have no grand children of her own, but only a gaggle of cats, some of her neighbors do have small children, and the raping of them by theese poow, poow wefugees should be paid no mind.

That's the newest NPC update called refugeecaravan.dat. I hope you have all downlodaded it.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Well he sure as shit got more accomplished, and if he wasn't treated to such treachery from the Deep State he could have done even more.

But it is what he has gotten done that is the issue. It would have been a blessing if he had gotten less done!

I am very tired of the Orange One's lies. Personally I believe he should be fired.

As for the caravan of people from Guatemala and Honduras, they are entitled to seek asylum if they so choose. However, the US hasn't had a very big track record of accepting people from those countries. Pity, because at the moment we are rather short handed in many industries and could use people who are willing to work.

      Lee C.   ―  U.S.A.      said...

One of the things ya gotta learn to watch with these folks… 

      "…Obama's 2010 approval rating for about the same time period was 45

According to whom?  They're very specific about identifying the only non-Rassmusen poll to ever show Trump at at 47% approval rating, but they get real vague about who and how when they're trying to make the claim that the one outlier makes Trump comperable to Obama.

Marcus said...


"I am very tired of the Orange One's lies. Personally I believe he should be fired."

Run script: Orange Man Bad

If: Orange Man

Return: Outrage.

#NPC protocol.

Marcus said...

I read that the "refugee"-column is up to 'bout 14.000 now. And since ya'll made that whole deal about it being supremely EVIL to separate a child from the carrier the carriers will likely ALL carry children this time.

Are ya'll really OK with this shit? I mean, it was 5K last time, 14K this time and unless it's proven a no goer it'll just grow and grow. Don't you see that?

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I think the conditions in these people's home countries have more bearing on whether or not they make this trek, not so much what any government does at the end, including the US. They are living on hope and that is a powerful thing.

      Lee C.   ―  U.S.A.      said...

      "I read that the "refugee"-column is up to 'bout 14.000 now."

I'll be glad when this campaign season is over.  The crazies are propagating at an amazing pace.  Two weeks to go and they're just gettin' crazier every day.
The ‛caravan’ is several days march into Mexico now and the number of Hondurans and Guatemalans involved has supposedly gone up 225%, an extra eleven thousand Hondurans and Guatemalans springing up out of the soil of Mexico.  (And he actually buys this shit is the truly amazing part.)
I'm figurin' there'll be some move towards a return to sanity after the elections are over.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I'm figurin' there'll be some move towards a return to sanity after the elections are over.

Oh, you dreamer, you. I don't know that I have that faith. There are too many people out there who believe, or are willing to ignore, Trump's lies. Fact checking isn't in vogue, apparently, for some.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Aaaaannnd just to prove my point about questioning the return of sanity anytime soon we have suspicious packages sent to Obama, Clinton & CNN(that one was for John Brennan).

I really can't wait for this election to be over.

I finally had a DFL representative call me to ask for my support. I told her, YES, definitely!

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I had a campaign worker show up at my gate this evening.  Working for the Democrats.  I declined to accept her campaign literature--didn't need it.  Save it for somebody who needs it.  I know where my voting station is located.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Op-Ed by Thomas Friedman in the NewYorkTimes>:

      "So, this year: No third party, no Green Party, no throwing up our
      hands and saying, “They’re all bad.” All of that’s for another day. For
      today, in these midterm elections, vote for a Democrat, canvass for a
      Democrat, raise money for a Democrat, drive someone else to a
      voting station to vote for a Democrat. It’s the only hope to make
America again.
      "Nothing else matters. Pass it on.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Very well said.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I was listening to CNN last night and the anchors there are very angry at Trump for not even mentioning anything about the bombs at his campaign rally yesterday, instead choosing to again blame the media for the division in this country. Seriously.

The conspiracy theories are already flying. I think I will wait to see what investigators come up with after their investigation.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "I was listening to CNN last night and the anchors there are very angry
      at Trump…

They routinely get threatened when they cover Trump rallies, and the head honchos at CNN discourage them from mentioning it.  So, this is a chance to get back at Trump for when he singles them out during his rallies for abuse (and then they get abuse, and then they're not supposed to mention it, so they get mad over this instead).

Marcus said...

Prolly a false flag. Some lunie-leftie wanting to discredit Trump so they bomb-theathen Trumpist antagonists. Most likely.

Just like street violence. 99% is from the Antifa left or BLM or some such leftist group, but all we hear about in the news is that 1% when some few dumb fucking neo nazi wannabe LARP:ers beat on someone for no good reason, or even for a good reason.

So yeah, most likely some leftie deadbeat using the Anarchist Cookbook and tryin at falseflaggin' against Trump.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

    "…they're just gettin' crazier every day."      ↑↑

Marcus said...

Let's just wait and see Lee. Wait and see.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

While we're waiting, perhaps you could entertain us with an accounting of the factors which make it ‛probable’, in your view, that the bombs are a ‛false flag’ operation being run by the Evil Liberals?

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

It appears that the waiting is over. They have arrested Cesar Sayoc, a homeless man living in his van after being kicked out by his parents, who seemed to be an attendee of some of Trump's rallies. He has expressed support for Trump and disparaged some of the Democrats he targeted.

He appears to be a true product of the extreme rhetoric that has been flying out of certain people's mouths. And I'm not talking Democrats here. Code Pink he isn't. It also appears that the bombs were quite real and could have caused major injury if they had actually detonated.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Dawn of the Code War looks like it may be an interesting read.

The inside story of how America's enemies launched a cyber war against us-and how we've learned to fight back.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I've begun to think that Marcus is going to refuse to entertain us with an accounting of the factors which make it ‛probable’ that the recent spate of mail-bombs is a ‛false-flag’ operation under the control of the ‛lunie-leftie’ people, or, perhaps even the #NeverTrump folks.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I have to wonder if people like Sayoc aren't in some ways similar in character to some of those who have supported Daesh (ISIS). They are loners who are looking to find something to attach themselves to that will give them an identity or place of belonging. Trump is just as much a charlatan as is Al-Baghdadi and he is playing on some people's weaknesses.

It turns out that the caravan Americans should be worried about is already here. It is the white van that the alleged, attempted mail bomber Cesar Sayoc was driving. Fortunately, federal authorities were able to arrest and charge him with sending explosive devices to the homes and offices of many of President Donald Trump's top opponents, to two former Presidents, and to two former intelligence officials, care of CNN's New York offices.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I think people who're drawn to fanaticism have some tendency to share common characteristics.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Another mass shooting, this time in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.

Another mass murder motivated by hate.

Another day in the life of America today.

Is this really what Trump's MAGA gets us?

Is this really what American voters can't see?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Is this really what Trump's MAGA gets us?"

Yes.  As the racists will tell ya…  They believe Trump is one of them.  They think they're winning now, and they need to keep on pushing.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

By the way…  I've been noticing that Trump appears to be losing what's left of his hair.  (He had cosmetic surgery couple of years back, removing sections of scalp which would no longer produce hair and moving in together the remaining scalp which would still produce hair--kinda like a "face-lift"--take out some of the skin and stretch the remaining skin in tighter.)

But, just like repetitive face lifts eventually leave aged Hollywood stars looking like surprised cats…the scalp stretching technique eventually shows up as thinning hair starting just above the ears, and it looks particularly odd--surprised cat kinda thing.
Trump is now starting to show the stretched-hair thing.

Marcus said...

Lynnete: "Is this really what Trump's MAGA gets us?"

Lee: "Yes. As the racists will tell ya… They believe Trump is one of them. They think they're winning now, and they need to keep on pushing."

The shooter was a Trump hater. Rightwing nutjob, but a Trump hater. He was on social media goin on bout jews and how Trump was false hope.

Bout the "bomber" I was wrong. It was no false flag. It was a lunatic though, not a sane political creature. And not white but Phillipino.

The MSM are gonna try and put both of these on Trump, but there is really no case to be made that Trump is somehow responsible for this shit.

If you say so, you might wanna go back to the Obama admin and look for similar shit that happened then, and ascribe it to Obama.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Re:  Cesar Sayoc

His father was a ‛Filipino’; which does not mean his father was not white.  Spain colonized the Philippine Islands in the early 1500s.  Here is a picture of the Cesar.  That dude's white.  That dude's bright white.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I'll leave the subject of Bowers bein’ a ‛Trump hater’ to Lynnette.  Gotta leave her something to do and she'll probably find that more fun than screwin’ ‛round ‛bout racial stuff.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "After Nov. 6, we will have a better idea whether 2016
      was the beginning of an extended dark period in U.S.
      politics or an aberration that shocked the nation’s
      democrats, of whatever party affiliation, into effective
      action. Think about that, and vote accordingly.
      WashingtonPost Editorial

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

By the way… I've been noticing that Trump appears to be losing what's left of his hair.

Funny you should mention that. I was watching Obama speak recently and was amazed at how white his hair has gotten, as compared to when he first took office as President of the United States. As so often happens with Presidents their hair seems to express the extreme stress of the office. I was wondering about Trump and what he would look like after he leaves office. Perhaps this is a harbinger of things to come, or...ummm...go.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Obama said awhile back that he made a mistake in not dying his hair back to black when it first started turning white, but a little bit of white didn't bother him.  It's kept on turning, but now he thinks there are too many pictures of him out there to start dying it now; should have gotten out in front of that he now thinks.  (Reagan caught it in time and then lied about it for a long time--no point in dying your hair and then admitting to it I guess.)

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

The shooter was a Trump hater. Rightwing nutjob, but a Trump hater. He was on social media goin on bout jews and how Trump was false hope.

I think you have said it all right there. He is saying that many in the right wing fringes have placed their hope in Trump, but that he didn't believe Trump went far enough. That would tend to support the theory that Trump has, for many on the right, been an inspiration. No, not for all, true, but for many, yes.

Even here in Minnesota we are seeing Nazi swastikas showing up on some campuses. It is like hate has become emboldened by the rhetoric that has been flying around, demonizing the media, immigrants, political opponents and law enforcement agencies. That all can be laid at Trump's door.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

"After Nov. 6, we will have a better idea...

Indeed. Can America beat the odds? Or will we be the masters of our own demise?

Thomas Friedman was on Fareed Zakaria's show on Sunday, basically sending the same message as he wrote in that article you linked to. We need to break the control the Republicans currently have on Washington, because they have shown they will not stand up to Trump and his poor governance. They have only contributed to it.

Friedman is right, vote for a Democrat.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Trump has announced the deployment of another 5,000 active duty soldiers to the southern border to confront a ‛caravan’ of about 3,500 unarmed civilians still a thousand miles away in southern Mexico.
This in spite of the fact that the Posse Comitatus act of the late 1800s forbids the use of active duty military for civilian law enforcement.  So, basically they're gonna go down there and then try to look busy when and if anybody takes the time to notice them.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Got so busy with the real world yesterday that I forgot to make mention of Angela Merkel's surprise announcement that she'll serve out her current term ('til 2021) and then not run for reelection.  It shouldn't be too surprising though, she's long said she didn't want to die in office, and her grip is starting to slip these days.  She's gonna move along before the German people move her along unwillingly.

Marcus said...

The German people have about 1.5 million reasons to unseat that old commie hag, as that was the number of invaders she invited in. For instance, this shit right here, where an 18YO german girl was gangraped by at least 8 "syrians" (who the hell knows where they're from really):

"German police have arrested eight people, including seven Syrian refugees and a German citizen, over their suspected involvement in a group sexual assault on a 18-year-old woman in the city of Freiburg.
The incident took place on the night of October 14 but the police only issued a detailed report on the matter after all major suspects were detained. The victim, whose identity has not been revealed, attended a disco party at one of the local clubs, where she became acquainted with a Syrian asylum seeker, the police said in a statement.

He bought her a drink and the pair then left the club together, the statement adds. The man is alleged to have then dragged the woman into nearby bushes and raped her. The perpetrator then left his victim in the bushes and returned to the club to "call his friends," the German Bild daily reports."

Now, what kind of fucking animals behave this way? Have you EVER heard of white people behaving this way? And here we have a bunch of so called "refugees" who should really be greatful for receiving asylum and still they behave like fucking animals. See this all the time here in Sweden too. They hate us, they think our women are whores and they think our men are weak and should be made to submit.

And Merkel invited them, there's no debate about that. "Wir shaffen das" she said. Why in the greatest fucking of fucks should we not unseat traitors like Merkel and throw animals like the ones described the fuck out of our nations?

Marcus said...

BTW, I'd like to do the tedious what-if-reversed thingy here. What if 8 Norweigans, Germans or Swedes went to Syria or Iraq and gangraped a native young girl there? Not that it would ever happen, but what if?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I believe the rule is that the Arab girl gets stoned to death for dishonoring her family.

Marcus said...

Possibly, but I'd venture the 8 men would be strung up right quick also, lest a crowd got to them first and they would be dragged behind cars through the streets instead.

Marcus said...

Any thoughts about the viability of Trump ending Birthright Citizenship via executive order? Possible? Not possible?

Not asking wether you think it's a good idea, I kinda think I know the answer to that, instead asking about the viability of it.

I mean, what if he just went ahead and did it and then let it work its way through the courts until it reached the SCOTUS? Could that be done?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Even Trump knows the ‛executive order’ on birthright citizenship will never pass muster, even with a Trumpified Supreme Court.  Mid-term elections are in six days.  That's what this is about.  Probably won't hear much of it after that.

(And you're wrong about the rest as well.  I'm willing to reconsider the concept of birthright citizenship, but, obviously, it'll take another Amendment to the Constitution to do it.)

Marcus said...

But Lee, isn't it the case that SCOTUS can interpret the Constitution and isn't it the case that they could rule that Birthright Citizenship thought of by the writers of the constitution never really was meant for anyone who got brought across the Rio Grande and was then popped out on US soil?

Do you believe that the original writers of the constitution foresaw hordes of pregnant women coming into the US to give birth in order to have their anchor children? Was that the idea of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and their pals?

Do you think they foresaw great caravans of immigrants and that anyone of them poppin a kid out on US soil then suddenly the kid is an American?

I mean, it's called BIRTHRIGHT, which is basically saying you are allowed the birthright, the blood and soil, of your ancestors, not that you can forego your actual birthright in Guatemala and show up in the USA for gibs BC Guatemala sucks, amirite?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Birthright citizenship was granted by the 14th Amendment, passed in 1868.  Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and their pals had nothin’ to do with it.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Ahhh tis the night for ghosts, ghouls and things that go bump in the night to stalk the streets in search of booty.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

They've got nothing on the attack ads crawling all over my television, though.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Okay, I will admit it, I am one of those who do not agree with Trump's attempt to discontinue citizenship as a birthright. It kind of goes along with America's tradition of welcoming immigrants. Well, as America used to be, that is. The America that I am rather fond of.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

US Airways pilot (retired), Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger, who brought down a crippled Airbus A320 jet plane in the Hudson River in New York City some years ago has written an Op-Ed for the Washington Post in which he claims to have been a lifelong Republican and effectively urges everybody to get their asses out there and vote Democrat this time.

Tom Friedman is not alone.

Marcus said...

And why should we listen to Sully anymore than any other random person on the topic of politics? Does landing a plane on a river somehow make him a guru in the political arena, or what?

Getting real tired of this whole "look what this celebrity thinks - you should think that way too" here. Goes the other way too, like why the fuck should we pay attention to Kanye West supporting Trump?

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "Getting real tired of this whole 'look what this
      celebrity thinks…'

You're gettin' fairly surly 'bout it too.

Marcus said...

Here's a social media pic of the Syrian refugee who instigated the gang rape of an 18YO German girl, where 7 other so called Syrians later gleefully joined in:

What a fucking sand ape.

I think he should be given US Birthright Citizenship and get to live in Lynnette's house. I guess he wasn't technically born in the USA but that's just a coincidence. He will save your pensions and enrich your culture, plus he's just a child so you need to show pity.

Marcus said...

They're not sending their best:

Marcus said...

Not to be outdone in Germany by rapist Syrians 6 Afghans rape a 15YO "socially challenged" german schoolgirl:

German culture reaches ever higher levels of enrichment, and pensions are secure.

Marcus said...

Denmark actually does the right thing:

Anther Afghan rapes a danish girl and the danes toss him the fuck back to Afghanistan. Good.

Marcus said...

Then again, why do we allow these rapist Afghans in from the get go? It's really insane to do that.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

And why should we listen to Sully anymore than any other random person on the topic of politics? Does landing a plane on a river somehow make him a guru in the political arena, or what?

It makes him qualified to speak about what leadership really is. His cool head in an extreme situation helped to resolve it in a positive manner.

Sorry, but Kanye West hasn't done anything to earn that kind of respect.

Perhaps that is telling, considering who he supports.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Btw, I've never understood how blacking out someone's eyes in a photo would keep people from identifying him.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Going into the final weekend before the mid-term elections….

We now find the President working hard on a ‛Red State Strategy’ to save his Senate majority.  It may work too.
The gist of it is to ring all the possible bells on his anti-immigrant message.  It's a not-too-subtle racist appeal.  (A supposed ‛invasion’ of people who hope to clean our hotel rooms and landscape our yards, to be met with an overwhelming force of patriotic American soldiers who'll shoot their asses on sight of the first stone, or maybe not, maybe that last one was a little over the top.)
Anyway, there's a damn good chance it'll work.  This mid-term election, by circumstance and historical accident, has twice as many Democratic Senators running for reelection as Republican Senators.  That gives the Republicans twice the chance to pick up seats compared to the Democrats.  With that kind of built-in structural advantage the Republicans hope to at least break even and maybe even pick up a seat or two on their Senate majority.  (Real question should be, "Why aren't they looking to just swamp the Democrats and pick up eight or ten seats, or at least five or six?"  But, we kinda already know the answer to that question.)  Trump!

(I do notice that Marcus has got the anti-immigrant bug and is ranting about immigrants going into this weekend.  It's not like he can vote in our elections, but it does show that Trump's racism is closely followed by and inspirational to fascists across the globe.)

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I knew there was a reason I stopped using a MyPillow some time ago. I tried it and found it gave me a headache. There really is no shame in having tried something and then finding it was the wrong choice, because really all it does is cause headaches.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I don't recall ever hearing of a pillow giving a person headaches before.  Cricks in the neck or spine, yeah, I heard of that, but not headaches.  That one's new.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

I got a robo-call from the voice of the Great Leader himself, the Great Orange One on the answering machine, stumping for a Republican Senate candidate.  Most of my neighbors would probably be flattered that they made the list, not knowing the robot called me as well.

Marcus said...

Lee: "A supposed ‛invasion’ of people who hope to clean our hotel rooms and landscape our yards", etc.

What do you imagine will happen if the US does nothing and allow these caravans in? BC I can tell you: they will grow in number and in numbers of people, into the tens of millions.

We saw that in Europe in 2015. Merkel, the treacherous commie hag with no children, shreeked "wir shaffen das" and 1.5 million economic migrants posing as refugees, with some few actual refugees splashed in there, stormed into Europe. The chaos that ensued was enough for even Swedens Social Democrat government at the time to put up border security, it was that bad. Governments did that all through Europe - otherwise millions more would have come.

You're all like "well how bad is it with a gardener here or there" but you don't think of, or rather refuse to consider, the actual trajectory of the issue at hand.

And keep in mind, for every ten gardeners and hotel room cleaners, you likely get at least one MS13 gangbanger or a Zetas rape-killer. Mow your own fucking lawn you lazy bastard, whydontcha?

Marcus said...

Lynnette: "It makes him [Sully] qualified to speak about what leadership really is. His cool head in an extreme situation helped to resolve it in a positive manner."

What "leadership"? As far as I can tell he landed the plane on his own. It proves capability in his field of work, aviation, which is admirable, but it says fuckall 'bout any leadership capabilities. It was a solo effort. A one man show. He led no one. Rather he stepped up all alone in a critical situation and relied on his training.

Not to piss on his parade, I think he's a cool dude and he obviously managed a great feat. But I see NOTHING in it that makes him a political guru.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "What do you imagine will happen if the US does nothing
      and allow these caravans in?

That's not gonna happen.  Well, probably not anyway, almost certainly not, in fact.  It's slightly more likely than a planet killer meteor strike on Los Angeles between now and the November elections, slightly less likely than ‛the Big One’ earthquake before the November elections.  Properly considered in ‛ain't gonna happen’ class of events.

I know Trump keeps telling you that the Democrats want open borders, but I have a real news fact for you to absorb if you can.  Trump lies.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

      "And keep in mind, for every ten gardeners and hotel room cleaners,
      you likely get at least one MS13 gangbanger or a Zetas rape-killer.

That's just wrong.  (This aside from the fact that MS-13 is an American gang that's put down a footprint in El Salvador; the Zetas are Mexicans, and the caravan is made up principally of Hondurans along with a few Guatemalans.  Even aside from those latter facts, your assertion is just wrong on the ‛bad guy’ ratio.)

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

By the way, arrests at the border for illegal entry are at their lowest level since 1971, and it's not like the Trump administration is allowing people to go un-arrested when it's possible to arrest them.

There is no crisis at the border; it's all bullshit spun up for the election.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I got a robo-call from the voice of the Great Leader himself, the Great Orange One on the answering machine, stumping for a Republican Senate candidate.

My deepest sympathy.

Cricks in the neck or spine, yeah, I heard of that, but not headaches.

I don't know, possibly stiff muscles from an odd angle.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

Rather he stepped up all alone in a critical situation and relied on his training.

Exactly. It is what a good leader does. He didn't wait for someone to tell him what to do.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

There is no crisis at the border; it's all bullshit spun up for the election.

Interestingly that is also being noticed by some people on the border. Some people who voted for Trump.

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

So a guy walks into a yoga class and starts shooting. He kills two people and injures four. When the women in class fight back he kills himself. He was known for making misogynistic comments on YouTube.

The man who police said opened fire at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida, on Friday evening made numerous racist and misogynistic comments in YouTube videos posted in 2014, according to a report from The New York Times.

All of the crazies are crawling out of the woodwork now. Kudos to those women who fought back. They may have saved lives.

   Lee C.  ―   U.S.A.     said...

Op-Ed, in The Atlantic, by Andrew Sullivan, once upon a time the conservative Republican homosexual pundit of record:

      "This is a party bent on enabling authoritarianism,
      not restraining it.
      "That’s why I will vote Democrat next Tuesday. I have
      many issues with the Democrats, as regular readers
      well know. None of that matters compared with this
      emergency. I don’t care, in this instance, what their
      policies are. I am going to vote for them. I can’t stand
      most of their leaders and fear their radical fringe. I am
      going to vote for them anyway. Because it is the only
thing there is to do.
      "This president is quite clearly unfit for his office. If he
      is checked by the Congress, he will still be a danger —
      to the rule of law, the Constitution, and civil peace. But
      if he remains unchecked — and even vindicated by a
      midterm Republican success? After the themes he has
      involved and exploited — especially in this final week?
      After the massive lies he has told, in greater frequency
      these past few weeks than ever before? What he will
      learn from all that beggars belief.
      (emphasis in original)

Lynnette In Minnesota said...

At first when I read that I was thinking that it was a good thing that a conservative like him would understand the danger to our democracy and be able to reach into that spectrum of our society as a cautionary voice that would to listened to. Then I read some of the comments. Unfortunately there are those who are too blind to see.