Sunday 11 August 2024

Can Mr. Smith Still Go to Washington?

Just shy of 100 years ago (hard to believe) in 1939 Hollywood released a film starring Jimmy Stewart called Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. It was about a young guy elected to the United States Senate who was just, basically, a normal guy who wanted to do good. In short, not rich or slick or self promoting. The antithesis of some politicians you may know. Every once in a while someone like that will show up in real life, not often mind you, but they actually still exist. I believe that Kamala Harris has found one in Tim Walz. But the question is, will the American people recognize a Mr. Smith when one drops in their laps? Can he still make it to Washington?

The Republicans have ramped up their attack ads, digging up anything that they can embellish to try to make Walz look bad. Walz grew up in small town middle America, served his country in the National Guard for 24 years, became an educator and later on an elected official first in Congress and then as Governor of Minnesota. He’s a regular guy who has had years of experience in government and years of giving back to his country.

What I find rather fascinating is that the town and area where he grew up in Nebraska is very supportive of Donald Trump. Very red. Yet Walz went on to enact more “liberal” policies and laws in Minnesota, which many in my state support. Some people where he grew up seem rather confused as to why. Perhaps it’s because those policies and the people who support them are not really evil as they have been characterized by Trump and his followers. Perhaps it is because those policies are an effort to give people a little better life. Maybe caring for people, all people, was something Walz learned in those small towns. It’s sad that people don’t recognize their own merit.

Perhaps we all need to shut out the negative voices and remember our humanity. I know this isn't Nebraska or Minnesota, but it's a really good song.