Saturday 29 June 2024


The historic debate is over. There was a lot of hoopla about how important this debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump would be. I couldn’t help but be reminded of the run up to the Super Bowl. Ratings are important, after all. Well, the debate was a huge flop. Because both candidates showed us the worst of themselves. Joe Biden couldn’t seem to string together two coherent sentences and Trump was his usual whiny lying self.

So, what now? Everyone seems to be pushing Biden to resign his candidacy, fearing his cognitive ability has declined too far. Panic is setting in among those who fear a Trump presidency 2.0. Because Biden did not “perform” as hoped. He did not “perform” as all of the spectators of the debate were needing.

I wonder, is that all a presidency is? A performance? We all know that Joe Biden suffers from a stutter. We all know that Joe Biden is 81 years old. We just saw Joe Biden have a horrible night. But is that all there is to Joe Biden? Is that all there is to a presidency? Donald Trump managed to avoid answering some of the more critical questions of the night. What would he do with immigrants? What are his thoughts on climate change? What really would he do to our democracy? He lied his way through the entire night.

Joe Biden has served his country as an elected official honorably. He has put his country first. He has tried his best to support and defend our constitution as the oath of office requires. Donald Trump has never done any of those things. He has always put Donald Trump first.

Joe Biden had a bad night. But a bad night does not mean a bad presidency. Not this time around nor in the future. Joe Biden is worth keeping. He is a fighter and history will show he is the president that is needed now. I will stick with Sleepy Joe.