Sunday 26 May 2024

A Cautionary Word

Usually I write a Memorial Day post honoring the men and women who have sacrificed so much to keep our country safe. But this year is different. This year I want to write about those in our country who are so blinded by anger that they do not see the possible consequences of their actions. Because they do not hold this country in their hearts as did those whom this Memorial Day honors.

I speak of the segment of our population who is so angered by the death and destruction in Gaza that they put this above all else. In my paper today there was an article which I want to share with you.

I understand that for immigrants to the United States there is always the pull of their home country or region. I understand that many have left loved ones behind. I understand that they worry about them. I understand they grieve their loss. However, blaming President Biden for not stopping the Israeli actions  in Gaza will not help. It is counterproductive to the solution to this tragedy. Enabling Donald Trump to return to the oval office by either voting for him, voting for a third candidate or not voting at all will not help the people of Gaza. Nor will it help you. Because let us be clear, Donald Trump is no friend of the Muslim population. He made that very clear in the past. Donald Trump is only a friend to himself.

What you risk is not just returning a man to the White House who will try to purge the United States of all immigrants but you risk alienating those who opposed his draconian policies in the past. They will hold you partly responsible for whatever he does. Because you acted out of anger against the country that has taken you in you show that you care little for your fellow citizens. You also act without thought for the fact that you may not be apprised of all that is going on behind closed doors.

Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it.

On this Memorial Day remember those who stood up for our country. They are deserving of all of our respect.