Sunday, 29 November 2015

As the World Turns

There was a story in the news recently that caught my attention. It appears that China has barred Miss Canada from entering China to participate in the Miss World contest being held there. She has apparently been an outspoken critic of China's handling of the Falun Gong movement.

I have heard of, but never really researched, Falun Gong. The following is a snippit of information I found on YouTube which was created by an organization called China Uncensored. Are all the claims true?  I can't say.   

There are a number of other videos that follow, but I will let you decide if you want to continue on with the series.

So why am I talking about this? We have been very preoccupied with the events taking place in the Middle East and Europe. Understandably so, as they affect so many around the world. But China is a large player on the world stage now and it too should merit a closer look. Because its internal struggles and political machinations may affect us as well. Whether or not Falun Gong is merely a peaceful movement with a religious bent or an “evil cult” as China claims I do not know. But even if it is the latter that does not excuse any human rights abuses that might have been, or are being committed, by the government of China.

Almost as disturbing is the thought that China might be using its influence to muzzle voices in other countries. As much as businesses would like to do business in the country the cost to our freedom may prove too high.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Paris 11.13.15

On November 13, 2015 an unknown, at this time, group of people decided it would be a good idea to attack various locations in Paris, France. We have seen this before with the Charlie Hebdo killings, and of course in other countries around the world, including my own on 9/11/01. Sadly, there are those who cheer this type of behavior on. But it is hatred at its most dark. Is this really what we want to become? I have struggled recently with some difficult situations in my own life that have challenged my ability to forgive. But I have also encountered some wise people who have helped me to see that hatred is not worth it. It only feeds on itself, making the one who hates miserable.

The people who wrought such misery on innocent people in France will be brought to justice. That is assured, either in this life or in the hereafter. We, the living, must honor the memory of those killed, not with hatred, but with the grace of compassion. That is what being civilized means. That is what the people who perpetrated the attacks do not understand.

I stand tonight in sadness with the people of France.


This is courage.

You can't make me hate...