Sunday 15 September 2024

An Unserious Man in a Serious World

There appears to have been another assassination attempt on Donald Trump. The gunman wasn’t able to actually take a shot because the Secret Service detail were very proactive in responding when the gun was seen, shooting at him and forcing him to flee. I know there will be people combing through this man’s life with a fine tooth comb. As of this writing he is in custody and has not spoken to police about motive. The man, 58 year old Ryan Wesley Routh, has been critical of Donald Trump on his social media account. He is a supporter of Ukraine who says he had traveled to that country in an effort to support Ukraine’s battle for its sovereignty.

The job of President of the United States is a serious one. There is little room for those who go through life with a simplistic worldview. In watching Donald Trump during his first term and his behavior during his election bids I can’t help but feel that Kamala Harris called it right when she called him an “unserious” man. He has used divisive rhetoric in order to fire up his right wing base, but has not thought through the possible negative ramifications of his words. Pushing the idea that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH are eating the pets of residents, leading to multiple bomb threats does not help the residents of that town, and makes him a laughingstock.

But there is a serious and dangerous underlying hate fueling this story that Trump is using as a prod for his base.

Immigration reform is a serious issue, a bi-partisan bill had been agreed upon, before Donald Trump tanked it so that he could use that issue as a political tool in his campaign.

The war in Ukraine is a serious issue, to those who are living it, to those whose future may be affected by it. Trump has made it clear that he does not support Ukraine. Was Routh influenced by this?

We have serious issues in this country, in this world, that need a serious response, by a serious person. Gun violence, immigration, a war in Ukraine, a war in Gaza are not reality TV. Hateful, ill informed, simplistic rhetoric will not help.  It can also be dangerous.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Can Mr. Smith Still Go to Washington?

Just shy of 100 years ago (hard to believe) in 1939 Hollywood released a film starring Jimmy Stewart called Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. It was about a young guy elected to the United States Senate who was just, basically, a normal guy who wanted to do good. In short, not rich or slick or self promoting. The antithesis of some politicians you may know. Every once in a while someone like that will show up in real life, not often mind you, but they actually still exist. I believe that Kamala Harris has found one in Tim Walz. But the question is, will the American people recognize a Mr. Smith when one drops in their laps? Can he still make it to Washington?

The Republicans have ramped up their attack ads, digging up anything that they can embellish to try to make Walz look bad. Walz grew up in small town middle America, served his country in the National Guard for 24 years, became an educator and later on an elected official first in Congress and then as Governor of Minnesota. He’s a regular guy who has had years of experience in government and years of giving back to his country.

What I find rather fascinating is that the town and area where he grew up in Nebraska is very supportive of Donald Trump. Very red. Yet Walz went on to enact more “liberal” policies and laws in Minnesota, which many in my state support. Some people where he grew up seem rather confused as to why. Perhaps it’s because those policies and the people who support them are not really evil as they have been characterized by Trump and his followers. Perhaps it is because those policies are an effort to give people a little better life. Maybe caring for people, all people, was something Walz learned in those small towns. It’s sad that people don’t recognize their own merit.

Perhaps we all need to shut out the negative voices and remember our humanity. I know this isn't Nebraska or Minnesota, but it's a really good song.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Joe Biden – For My Country

Today President Joe Biden dropped out of the race for President of the United States. This after weeks of people within his own party questioning his cognitive fitness due to his performance in the debate against Donald Trump. This division in the Democratic Party did nothing to help Biden’s slipping poll numbers. Many Americans questioned his age.

There are many who feel that our democracy is at risk. After the events of January 6, 2021 with the attack on our Capital by followers of former President Donald Trump the idea that Trump could possibly become President again is anathema. With the experience of his first term in mind and the Heritage Foundation's  Project 2025, a right wing road map written by Trump’s allies on how to “remake” government, looming over us like a dark cloud this election becomes critical.

For me this was a day of sadness. Joe Biden is a good President. He is a good man. He has shown what a true patriot is. I think history will show that. It is very rare to find a true leader, one who will put country first before his or her own personal wants. Joe Biden just did that.

President Biden, I wish you all the best. You have my sincere admiration. 

Sunday 14 July 2024

Motivation for Shooting at Trump Rally?

On Saturday, July 13, 2024 Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 years old, took a gun belonging to his father and used it to shoot up a political rally in Pennsylvania being held by Donald Trump. One person was killed, two injured seriously and Donald Trump sustained a minor injury to his ear. The motive has not been determined yet. Many have assumed it was an assassination attempt motivated by political beliefs, but the shooter really fits a different profile, that of the many school mass shooters we have seen in the past. According to his former classmates he was a loner who was bullied.

But whatever his motive turns out to be there are two things that are very clear. The first is that all American’s have the right to attend a political rally without fear of injury. While I do not like Donald Trump and do not agree with his past policies, much of his rhetoric or his behavior, I believe the use of violence against him and his supporters is not appropriate. Just as I did not think the violence unleashed on Jan. 6th at our capitol was appropriate. Violence, coercion, and other tactics used to force people to bend to someone’s will have no place in a real democracy. At this time we are in a state of division over how we want to move forward and who we want to lead us. I stand by my belief that Donald Trump and his supporters do not have the way forward for my country. This shooting incident does not change that. But the people at the rally are my fellow Americans and I extend my sympathies to those who were tragically affected.

The second point is that this was gun violence. Perhaps if we were able to come to some bi-partisan agreement on controlling the flow of guns in this country this type of incident would be less prevalent. This, of course, is the thought that jumps to mind after every mass shooting that has happened. However, we have yet to find some agreement on this. Until we do this type of incident will continue to happen; in schools, in malls, in theaters, at political rallies. It will continue to happen whether the victims are Democrats or Republicans, young or old.


For anyone who has read this post before this update, I just wanted to explain why I changed my title.  I do not question Crooks' desire to kill or injure anyone at the rally, including Donald Trump.  I question his motivation.  To be continued...

Thursday 4 July 2024

Government By the People

We are marking another Fourth of July in my country. We have been around as a free country for almost 250 years. We have seen wars, including a Civil War, a Great Depression, a Great Recession and countless upheavals. This year we are in the midst of an election for President unlike any other. Both candidates are older then we would like. But there the similarities end.

If you have read me at all you know that I am not a fan of Donald Trump. You know that I feel he is an existential threat to our democracy. You only have to listen to his vindictive, retaliatory comments to understand why. You only have to be aware of the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity to understand why. That is why I will still vote for Joe Biden even after his poor debate performance. Joe Biden has a good team backing him. I have confidence that they can and would support our country to the best of their ability. Donald Trump’s followers only follow him. They have no concern for our country except in how they can use it to their advantage. If anything happened to Biden or Trump, depending on who is elected, the people who are part of their governing circle will be of great importance.  

It seems like each generation has a challenge to meet that could greatly affect our country. This time it appears to be a challenge to our democracy. We have an obligation to those who have fought so bravely, who have dedicated their lives to our freedom, to uphold the democracy that we have been bequeathed. This presidential election is crucial to our future as a free nation. That I am even having to write that is shameful.

As we celebrate this July 4th, remember what our country was meant to stand for. Remember what we as Americans should stand for.

Saturday 29 June 2024


The historic debate is over. There was a lot of hoopla about how important this debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump would be. I couldn’t help but be reminded of the run up to the Super Bowl. Ratings are important, after all. Well, the debate was a huge flop. Because both candidates showed us the worst of themselves. Joe Biden couldn’t seem to string together two coherent sentences and Trump was his usual whiny lying self.

So, what now? Everyone seems to be pushing Biden to resign his candidacy, fearing his cognitive ability has declined too far. Panic is setting in among those who fear a Trump presidency 2.0. Because Biden did not “perform” as hoped. He did not “perform” as all of the spectators of the debate were needing.

I wonder, is that all a presidency is? A performance? We all know that Joe Biden suffers from a stutter. We all know that Joe Biden is 81 years old. We just saw Joe Biden have a horrible night. But is that all there is to Joe Biden? Is that all there is to a presidency? Donald Trump managed to avoid answering some of the more critical questions of the night. What would he do with immigrants? What are his thoughts on climate change? What really would he do to our democracy? He lied his way through the entire night.

Joe Biden has served his country as an elected official honorably. He has put his country first. He has tried his best to support and defend our constitution as the oath of office requires. Donald Trump has never done any of those things. He has always put Donald Trump first.

Joe Biden had a bad night. But a bad night does not mean a bad presidency. Not this time around nor in the future. Joe Biden is worth keeping. He is a fighter and history will show he is the president that is needed now. I will stick with Sleepy Joe.

Sunday 26 May 2024

A Cautionary Word

Usually I write a Memorial Day post honoring the men and women who have sacrificed so much to keep our country safe. But this year is different. This year I want to write about those in our country who are so blinded by anger that they do not see the possible consequences of their actions. Because they do not hold this country in their hearts as did those whom this Memorial Day honors.

I speak of the segment of our population who is so angered by the death and destruction in Gaza that they put this above all else. In my paper today there was an article which I want to share with you.

I understand that for immigrants to the United States there is always the pull of their home country or region. I understand that many have left loved ones behind. I understand that they worry about them. I understand they grieve their loss. However, blaming President Biden for not stopping the Israeli actions  in Gaza will not help. It is counterproductive to the solution to this tragedy. Enabling Donald Trump to return to the oval office by either voting for him, voting for a third candidate or not voting at all will not help the people of Gaza. Nor will it help you. Because let us be clear, Donald Trump is no friend of the Muslim population. He made that very clear in the past. Donald Trump is only a friend to himself.

What you risk is not just returning a man to the White House who will try to purge the United States of all immigrants but you risk alienating those who opposed his draconian policies in the past. They will hold you partly responsible for whatever he does. Because you acted out of anger against the country that has taken you in you show that you care little for your fellow citizens. You also act without thought for the fact that you may not be apprised of all that is going on behind closed doors.

Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it.

On this Memorial Day remember those who stood up for our country. They are deserving of all of our respect.